
Mar 01, 2006 06:58

I've figured out one of the problems with the foodstamp and general assistance programs in CA. It's not focused on the problem it's trying to solve. For example, "Question 19. Is anyone on strike? Yes. No. If "Yes", complete below: Name of Striker, Name and Address of Employer/Training Program, name of Union, Date on Strike etc..."

I'm sure there are many individuals on strike in CA.  What do they have to do with my application, and why do I have to report on them?  Is this more of that Homeland Security stuff?

How about "Question 20. Has anyone, including children, worked or does anyone expect to go to work, including part-time and occasional work? If Yes complete below:"

If it were me, I'd rewrite the question, "If the US economy has not  gone tit's up, answer the questions below:"

And "Question 22. Does anyone pay child or spousal support?"

I thought this was CA? Didn't child and spousal support get invented here?

Here is a question that is a slap in the face to all those serving in Iraq.  "Question 27. Has anyone been in the U.S. military service or the spouse, parent, or child of a person who has been in the military service? If yes complete below: Name, US Citizen, Status, Honorable Discharge etc..."

I certainly hope the answers I give are not used by the armed services to generate roll-call.

Perhaps if the people in charge of creating these forms took the CA high-school exit exams, they'd be readable.
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