Well here is what has happened for the last five days:
I have been with Jessie and Ashuri for the last five days, and ALOT has happened. I'm not exactly sure where to start...but yeah.
Ashur and I two of us could be fatasses while Jessie went to sleep, and so as you know I'm not that great at initiating conversation, so I said "I think when I walk." Jessie was being evil and didn't feel like going...I think she just didn't want to put any pants on. o.O;; She's lazy lolz.
So it was almost four-thirty AM. And we've been rather nocturnal lately, so it all ends up okay I guess.
So like I got my kickass pikachu, and we head outside through the side door, and we come to find that it's raining quite a bit, that's not a bad thing, because that was the reason that we had even gone outside, rather than just staying in and being dumbasses with Jessie and laughing at amusing shitty things we do.
Now, it's not just a light drizzle outside. It's pouring, and it's already pretty dark outside, with the occasional flash of lightning. We start heading to be the west part of Colonial Drive...((I think...)), or whatever and I saw a possum, and I freaked, we ran in the other direction, and decided to go to t3h seven eleven, Thinking about it now...I wonder if seven eleven was even open...But then again Jessie and I went there a while back around like 3 in the morning...So it should have been open...Eh. Sorry I'm rambling.
Anyways we talked about little things every now and then until we reached the bridge and realized that there are cars that could possibly shoot us, or have people inside who could rape us. So, as the rain poured down on us, we were really scared of any car that headed towards/past us. Ashuri freaked out and ran to hide, once in a while, 'cause she was really wigging out by those cars, so, we held hands so we could feel safe, and I thought it would be harder to kidnap us. ^_^
We finally reached Beneva, a little past Sweet Berries, and started heading to 7-11, but then a random Budweiser truck comes up, and at first we thought that it was just going to pass by like all the others, but this one-- This one fucking stoped across the street from us, TURNS AROUND, and comes driving right at us. See, we were fuckign scared, so we ran off the sidewalk, and hit a wall. Between the wall and the sidewalk was this ditch-like thing, and so we ran in there. By the way, it was raining like shit, and by the time we ran in, we were knee-deep in water.
And the truckguy came up and stoped next to us, saying something, but we couldn't hear over the rain. It was too loud. Plus, he was on the other side of the truck. So, he leaves for a little bit, I think we were both thinking, "Dude were fucked!" but we came to find that he turned his fucking truck around, and was driving on the WRONG SIDE of the road, just to talk to us.
He said something at first, and neither of us heard, but once he has a good look at us, he said, "Oh. I'm sorry, I'm looking for my daughter." and he drove away. And we both decided, to turn around at that moment, and headed back towards Jessie's house.
We were paranoid like fuck, and watched in all directions for rapists and stalkers. We were something like rapist-bait. Two young teenage girls, holding hands, clothes sticking to their bodies, one Asian=Ashuri and the other-- a jap/german/white chick.=Me
Ashuri seemed to think that a car was going to come up behind us, and she litterally THREW ME onto the sidewalk. Come to think of it, That happened many times.
So, as we walked over the bridge again, we saw this car. Just a regular white car, crossing the road. As we were about to cross the street by Jessie's house, the same car was there again, and looked as if it was going to cross the street. So, we waited for a little bit, and I even motioned for it to cross, but it didn't move. We crossed the street, and even as we were just a few yards from Jessie's, it was still there.
We went through the side door, and passed through the kitchen. Our shoes made fun sounds as we walked, though it might have made it so that we were caught, or something. As we passed through the living room, which had Liz and Andy passed out on the couch, because they say that their house was flooded.
We go into the hallway and Jessie's door was cracked, so we walked in, and Jessie freaked 'cuz she thought we were her mom or something. But anyways...we find that she has no pants on. What joy! [[not sarcasm]]
She asked us where we went, and how things were, and we told her about how we were assumed to be someone's daughters, and the person who drove up and down the block. We left a big puddle on her floor. I searched through Jessie's clothes, and Ashuri looked through her Crayola for a good set of clothing.
We changed out of our wet things and make fun naked-jokes and laughed while Ashuri walked around the room with no pants on, Me with only underthings and a bra, and Jessie just sitting on her bed drawing, probably thinking, "Oh damn. I<3thisat5:30inthemorning.
My Pikachu:
I painted his eyes, and made him look like a stoner with my acrylics, from Ashuri's ominous "Red Crate". <3. Ashuri seems to like walking behind me, the backpack stares at people and Ashuri laughs at it.
Ashuri stole condoms from Walgreens to make a belt, or a headband, or some other article of clothing, and [this was the night before] we put one of them on his ear. It was a lubricated.((like condoms SHOULD be)) And now she laughs more than ever when she see's it. Liz told us that we should go to Planned Parenthood to get condoms next time, though, because there you can get them for free without doing anything illegal.
Also, from Walgreens, we got candy. We're thought of to be some of the most fucked up children ever ((we looked like ho-bo's at that moment)), and instead of getting Vodka, or anything like that at 4 AM, in Gulf Gate, we get candy, and cookie dough. <3.
There were no buildings to sit on top of.T.T. The cookie dough made Me and Ashuri thirsty, so we went back to Walgreens to drink from the fountain by the restroom. There was a ladder behind it that lead to Tim Skold. ((IWISH)) And we wasted more money on Axe and green hair spraystuff.
My hair was temporarily green with a Ashuri. ^_^
We went to Publix and an Oriental store to get babyfood, sushifood, and spoons.pocky too. Pocky. It's pretty expensive at Kocha's store. >:0
Thus ends my story.
Here is what happened today!:
I sat around on t3h compy, played DDR, and...went on t3h compy? I thihnk that's all. ^_^ I made a website! here is the link:
http://www.freewebs.com/8u7753ck5 Go to it. NOW. after you comment on this. Because there is no point it writing these if no one comments...No one loves me...I don't get comments...TT.TT