I suppose I should post something given my lack of anything substantive for most of December. I blame November - it nearly killed me between struggling through a horrible narrative along side the two times my body revolted against me in a most vile manner. That aside, I guess it's time I start getting back into the groove of writing more often. It's not like I don't have plenty to write about - just this past Friday I ended up on a comical unplanned semi-blind double date that ended with my "date" puking outside the bar (just before crawling in my friend's car to pass out) and too much trust fund talk for my taste. It was a hot (interesting) mess.
It began with a text from a friend saying I should come out for drinks with him and his friend (who was in town visiting from Iowa). I walked outside my apartment into the warm Friday evening air thick with humidity. The moisture penetrated my senses to the point of being able to smell every menu item at every restaurant I passed en route to hail a cab. (It reminded me of walking through the French Quarter in New Orleans actually...and how we'd pick where to eat dinner by walking down the street and selecting the restaurant that had the best food smells.) Half way to the bar, my friend texted me and said he was also on a first date-which could mean only one thing: I was accompanying his friend while he and date-dude got googly eyed with one another. (I'm entirely too accommodating at times.)
We met up at
Crew, moved to
Wild Pug next door, and by the time we arrived at
Jackhammer three things were clear: (1) my friend's date was someone I'd met before that didn't feel like giving me the time of day with the friends that introduced him to me, (2) my friend's out of town visitor smelled like a chimney halfway through the night and made me want to jump ship, and (3) no amount of alcohol can erase the image of the anorexic stripper-dancer on stage at Jackhammer flopping his banana-hammock in my direction as I passed to get to coat check. I ended the night with two slices of Pie Hole pizza and ten hours of sleep (only interrupted by Suki when she demanded breakfast at 8am - three hours after I passed out).
And that was just mid-five-day-vacation. I had two more nights out after that. (Neither of them was quite as hot-mess-laden thankfully.) And then, after today and tomorrow working, I'll have six more days away from work as I travel to Houston to see my friend Keith for New Years and some catch-up time. (And possibly a trip to the coast if it hits 70 degrees at any point Thursday forward.) And somewhere in there I'll finally be meeting and having cocktails with the ever-fab
turi that I've known since my pre-Chicago days...and possibly my pre-Denver days - or very early Denver days at least. It's kinda exciting and awesome.
Plus it'll be one more city to cross off the ole "I'll make it there eventually I'm sure" list (not to be confused with the "omg must visit these places!" list I also maintain concurrently). And it actually fulfills one of those pesky 2008 New Years Resolutions to see new cities. Nothing like getting it in right under the clock, right?
Alright, it's after midnight and I have work in the AM. Have a g'night LJ-land! =D