Thought for the Fucking Day

Sep 20, 2012 18:56

I have a tendency to listen to Radio 4 on my way to work on the days when I don't feel like listening to music. It's relatively soothing and often quite interesting. Unfortunately my regular schedule gets me Thought for the Fucking Day about the time I go over Tesco flyover.

Usually it just induces eye-rolling scorn over its sixth-form platitudes and idiotic evidence-free assertions ("insight comes from the soul's remembrance of its own spiritual origin" WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN???) but on occasion it leads me to such paroxysms of rage that even the company of Chris Moyles seems preferable. Today was a weird one though and lulled me into a false state of security before delivering its punchline. I'm sure Anne Atkins thinks of herself as a lovely person and maybe even a liberal but this morning's idiocy seemed to drift into highly politicised right wing dogwhistle territory.

Check this shit out, with my interpretation:

Preamble lovely village blah blah some sexist shit about map reading blah blah Jesus, who, apparently, was all for female equality in spite of never having been recorded as mentioning the subject. Then:
"The most important job most of us ever do is raising the next generation." - well that's reassuring to those of my friends who don't wish to, or can't, have children. You may be a writer, a scientist, a teacher, an artist but unless you've spawned your life is esentially worthless.

" A privilege which vitally embraces the commitment of two people, essentially different, equally involved, each incapable of creating a child alone." - "Child rearing is for a man and a woman committed in matrimony....."

"What interested me most about the navigational findings is that those who perform best are, what a surprise, not men alone or women alone but a mixed team of both" - ".....and all you gays and single parents can fuck right off. Especially those gays who might want to get married and maybe raise children."

Now maybe it's just me. But, given the prominence of the gay marriage issue and Anne Atkins' status as a "practising Anglican" I don't think so. Does somebody clear the scripts for what these fuckwits are going to say? Because I'm certainly not up for a bunch of Tea Party horseshit being beamed into my car before my coffee has even kicked in, however delicately coded it is.

Thought for the Day. Can you all just fuck off now please?

politics, idiocy, rage

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