
Jun 06, 2009 22:44

Pardon me, but the Sailor Jerry's may have taken over this post.
Firstly, if you have an Xbox 360, you need to buy "Braid" as soon as possible. If you are more of a disc person (meaning you do not have any form of interwebz hooked up to your Xbox) you need to get "Portal" which can be found on "The Orange Box." I guess if you do have your Xbox hooked up, you could get both...Hmmm...
Anyway, I have been busy with random summer projects. I will certainly be making more this summer than last summer...which is a good thing. I hope to make it home to visit my niece next weekend for her birthday, but I may end up too busy to do so.
shin_shoryuken and sexy_sausalito seem to be doing well, which is always good.
I played through most of Resident Evil 5 with nausicaa1 and "C-dog" last weekend...good times.
Well, I'm off to watch some TV and maybe play some games.
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