Quick Reviews

Oct 13, 2008 20:04

So I've been doing all right. My birthday party was a success, as I'm told, and I've been plugging along at work, trying to get some stuff ready for next summer's grant I'm in on. Anyway, I thought I would post a few reviews of some of the Wii Ware I've been playing with.

Megaman 9 Despite what some people thought, this is a hardcore Megaman game that is a total throwback to the series' roots. It plays (and looks, and sounds) nearly identical to Megaman 2, one of my personal favorites. It is not easy, but it is, in all ways, all things to all people. If you love Megaman, have ever loved Megaman, or are thinking about falling in love with Megaman, this is the game for you.
The downloadable content is fairly fun as well (at least what they have released). They have a mode where you can play as Protoman through the game, which is a nice challenge. They also have "endless" mode which has been a ton of fun.
All in all for $10 (or $15 with both downloadable pieces) you can't get much better than this.

Helix This dancing/rhythm game was pretty fun for what it is. Basically there is an onscreen robot that you are supposed to mimic over the bars that float across the screen. You play holding two wiimotes (one in each hand) and basically do some crazy dance stuff to random techno music. I've enjoyed it for the most part, but it does feel a little like exercise so I don't pull it out late at night or after I've had a beer.

Bomberman Blast Basically the newest version of bomberman. It supports up to 8 players (though I've only played it alone) and online play. The stages are fairly unique and the power-ups are basically straight from the DS game (with the exception of the jetpack, which is basically like the shield). If you've enjoyed previous bomberman titles and do not want the story mode, this is a good buy.

Art Style: Orbient This was so worth the $6. It is a port of a game for the GBA (Japan only). The actual game play only uses two buttons. The idea is this: you are a small planet and you want to absorb similarly sized planets to get larger. If you pass close to a planet smaller than yourself, it becomes a satellite. The two buttons do the following: one makes planets (and some other objects, though not all) pull you with gravity in proportion to their mass, while the other button makes planets push you away, again in proportion to their mass.
The ultimate goal of any stage is to become large enough to get the target as a satellite.
Tons of fun, very soothing (except when some random object causes you to crash), and very highly recommended. It was so good I'm considering picking up the next Art Style game that came out today.

Defend your Castle This title makes me laugh. Basically if you have 2-4 people and want to waste an afternoon, download this title. The idea, if it can be called one, of this game is to pick up little button headed men trying to attack your castle and throw them into the air so they fall to their deaths. You can upgrade your castle with archers (shoot oncoming enemies), mages (let you cast spells), architects (slowly fix your castle), and one-shot bombers. As you progress more types of enemies show up and they come in greater numbers. Good. Random. Fun.

Anyway I need to go watch some Charmed and eat some dinner.

random, birthday, video game review, nfl

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