Illness Update - Sunday Morning

Jul 13, 2008 10:03

Note to self: Buy a thermometer next time I go to town.
Yesterday during the day was fairly similar to Friday. Some chills, some hot spells, dizzy, tired, aches (head, joint, body, about everything but stomach). The real highlight of the illness yesterday came at 10:30 PM. Around 9 PM I was very warm, so I opened up 4 windows (2 each facing east and west). Shortly thereafter I passed out on the couch. After sleeping through my phone going off twice, I woke up at 10:30 to take my antibiotic. FREEZING. According to the local news it was a chilly 53 degrees. 53! That is t-shirt weather. Anyway, I was shivering. I knew I needed to make it to the bedroom and cover up with all of my sheets. So I made a run for it, wrapped the sleeping bag I had been covered up with around my body as best I could, shut all the windows, made my bed, and crawled under the covers. To my fevered brain's calculation, it took about 25 minutes under a full set of winter blankets and my sleeping bag for me to stop shivering and finally feel warm. (Of course, hours later I woke up baking and I had to take off all of the blankets and open the window by my bed.)
On another note, I had a lot of vivid, strange dreams last night, including one very long, sad dream. I could do without that, at least until I feel better, okay brain?
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