
May 07, 2006 04:19

I really like Madison. If you've ever talked to me, you know this. Now the on-line world does as well.

To keep up with this weeks tradition of getting things done, I gave Jo a call the other day. I was more or less looking for some closure. That is exactly what I got. We decided to meet at Pedro's (or some similar Mexican restaurant) for a drink. I asked the questions I wanted answers to. Got answer. And have pretty much washed my hands of the whole deal. Don't get me wrong, this hasn't been weighing on me for a year (since the break-up), but it's always nice to have some know?

Otherwise I've been enjoying spending time with Mike. I'll be headed back to Dad's tomorrow which will be nice as well. I'll get some rest and relaxation (plus write a month's worth of lesson plans or so). I'll also go visit Mom and Sarah and Samantha during the week. Next weekend will most assuredly find me in Madison again. This is a good plan.

I hope everyone else is planning on having a nice week this week.

madison, mike, family

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