Day off

Mar 15, 2006 00:28

So today I took an actual day off. No visiting anyone. No driving around. No other people (until Dad and Chris showed up after work). It was incredible. I slept a lot (usually with my kitty on my lap). Played some DS. You know, things that I should do more of but I'm just way to busy.

Tomorrow I'm off to see Mom and then Sarah and Samantha in the evening. After that it's back to Madison for a couple more days with Mike.

Anyway I just wanted everyone to know that I did have a great day off. Usually my breaks are too packed with stuff for me to take one of these, but I'm thinking I'll have to start working them in. With any luck I'll be able to take them every once in a while on a Saturday as the semester wraps up.

Alright, I'm out. I'll probably check online stuff again tomorrow late-ish.
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