Day 40, City Trip Looms

Jul 17, 2005 02:52

Tomorrow will be a very long day. After we eat lunch, we go over to watch our students present their projects to their parents. Then we go to the variety show that the students put on. A couple years ago I would have told you that I was looking forward to the variety show. Not this year.

Then we have the students move most of their stuff out of the dorm and the ones who did not earn the city trip will leave as well. That evening we will have a meeting about city trip and all it entails.

Around 12-1 AM we will load the buses and head to St. Louis.

One of the upsides of tomorrow is that Kirsten, who I have missed a lot, will be getting back. I will be excited to hear all about her trip.

Alright, I need to go get some rest. I probably won't get a chance to update again until after we get back, so every have a good week and feel free to contact me Thursday evening and then for the rest of the summer.

ub, kirsten

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