Waterspouts and lightning bolts

Aug 05, 2005 18:45

I am glad this week is coming to an end. Work trip - Western Caribbean Cruise - Zuiderdam. FOr most this would be a dream work trip - pretty much a free cruise. But leave it to me to make it unenjoyable.
Saturday, July 30th - Forgotten passport, won't be granted entry onboard until i can secure that and at least my birth certificate. My heartfelt gratitude to my dear friend Chris for helping in that adventure, delaying his own personal weekend plans to get out of the country and enjoy Pride in Vancouver.

Sun - Thurs: work a few hours and then enjoy onbaord activites - my dinner table mates are great. A husband and wife and a close personal friend that they know through work. It was her 50th birthday so I helped celebrate with them (well if they were buying why not) hehe. They are all good people, and conversation just flows.

I started going ashore on Wednesday, got hooked up with shore excursions at no cost yay for corporate connections!!! (okay it was really Steve that arranged that for me - thank you hon)
Tuesday we were in Grand Cayman - so I went to Hell - you will see the pictures on my site soon.
Wednesday we docked in Costa Maya, Mexico - went ashore to the Chacchoben Mayan ruins - loved it.

Friday, Aug 5, Key West Florida - went snorkeling, got to see a thunderstorm develop in the distance, waterspouts - about 8 of them and tons of lighting - it eventually caught up to us just before we got back to the pier, then went walking around town looking for a present for the little mister back home - lost track of time and nearly missed the ship - don't know what I would have done then. Whew... I think I will drink heavily tonight!!


I get to be home for about 4 days and then I am off again, this time to Helsinki, I actually look forward to being home for a few weeks after that - this is tiring and I miss my life and friends and Hubby!
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