Well, a lot has happened since I last updated. Daddy Stuart, my grandfather on my mother's side of the family, suffered a stroke just over a month ago. He was nearly recovered from that when he had several more; he passed away February fifteenth, a Christian.
I flew out to Nebraska the following weekend for the funeral. The service was good and almost the entire family was there. He was eighty-three years old, and he had a total of 69 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, with four more on the way right now. A very large number of people attended the funeral.
I was able to talk to relatives I haven't seen in a while, and I met some relatives for the first time (at least since I was a wee little lad yay high). Not to mention being with my family. Mrs. Wittenberg and Sarah even came out. I left the morning after the funeral, drove to Omaha, and flew from there back down to Dallas.
The Minneapolis airport, btw, is very spread out. I think I walked about five miles while waiting for my flight; since most of that was on moving walkways, that probably amounts to eight miles of distance travelled. :)
Five days away from school, six days of unproductivity. I arrived in Dallas late Wednesday (22nd) night, and got to bed after midnight. I took a calculus test in the morning, and I think I did well. I came down with a fever over the weekend, which didn't help me catch up in my work. Once I was better, I hit the books and I'm almost caught up with all my work now; I should be completely caught up by Monday, but it will take some more work. I've slept 12 out of the last 90 hours.
I had a Latin quiz this morning, which went very well, especially considering I slept two hours last night. I have a big Greek quiz coming up on Monday; almost all of the work I have to do before Monday is Greek; though all the Rome paperwork is due Monday as well.
Deum, a quo fortunia omnia manant, laudate!