The Rules: The first player of this game starts with the topic of "5 Guilty Pleasures" and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about 5 Guilty Pleasures as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names. ((I was tagged by
1) I can time most of the stop lights around our city some of the time. I do so love the feeling of watchin a car go speeding around me like I am standing still, get caught by the next red light, then have to watch me slip past them just as the light turns green so I am leaving them in the dust. For a few seconds anyway.
2) I like to create and try different types of foods. I'm not a chef or would want to have to do it but it's fun to play around. ((try orange soda pop over chocolate ice cream floats)). The guilty pleasure part is that I enjoy being able to talk with people about a wide variety of international and just strange foods and watch their reaction to the one's they would feel are just plain wrong. From sushi to russian sausage to mashed termites to microwaved peeps to .. well just weird things.
3) Porn is good. But generally only when I can relate it somehow to my own life or somehow has an odd twist to it. Not like just a different place or situation where everyone randomly decides to 'get busy'. Ehh, one of those things you just have to decide on a case by case scenerio I guess.
4) Learning about and helping people. Not so much because I'm a nice guy as because getting a person to trust enough to share their darker deeper fears, desires, and hopes is very strong feeling. And if I can help them through a situation, it builds my ego for a while.
5) Surfing the net. Living in the cyber world when and where I want to. Problems just feel more distant. Good as many drugs in it's own way.
Don't think I'm gonna specifically tag anyone. But I would be interested in knowing what
polylan, and
yaochi would put down for this. But don't worry if they are to private.