Definitely a bit of a disappointments. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I mean most of the other holidays are good in their own right but give me a choice and I'll always pick All Hallows Eve for a favorite one. I don't really care what it signifies, it's a different thing for different people and I'm fine with most of the ideas.
The problem is that for the last few years including this one I just haven't done anything for it. No haunted houses. No spooky corn field mazes. No getting together with friends to do 'speak with the dead' games. No wandering through or sleeping in cemeteries. No dressing up as a common old bum and trying to wave children over who try to ring the doorbell up at my house. That last one scares the heck out of kids and parents alike when you live in big cities where bums really are a problem but is completely lost in small towns that don't usually worry about them. I don't even have candy or stuff (I usually hand out pencils when I do the bum thing) to give kids yet and the walk about is tomorrow!
I still enjoy the vibe from holiday in general. I just haven't had the inspiration to do more lately. Maybe I'll ask for inspiration from Santa on Christmas. Of course since I just admitted I like Halloween more than Christmas I doubt I made it on his good boys list.
For anyone interested however -
Evil music