Hey you crazy people. Who's excited for summer? I am! I think I'm just about ready for my first summer up here in the cities. I'm sure I'll make an appearance or two in Iowa one way or another. I might make it down there to shoot off fireworks on Fourth of July with my crew. Okay, more like shooting fireworks AT eachother, but that's just how we role.
I suppose we need to get this downer out of the way. As some of you know, my grandfather passed away recently. That's why I spent most of last week in Iowa. My grandmother had asked me to sing a couple songs for the funeral, so I did just for her. In doing so, I had to skip pretty much all of my classes last week. When I came back, I had a lot of things thrown at me academically. Apparently I had to perform my scene right away with my partner even though I hadn't glanced at the script in nearly a week. So we finally got that out of the way. I had a test in Human Communications which I was completely unprepared for. I also had my final for Physical Geography already. I thought the final would be the following week like most of the others, so I got screwed there. The only other final I have to worry about this week is the sonnet we have to perform as an audition in theatre class.
Oh, speaking of auditions, I have my audition for the AFA program next week! My monologues are even picked out already! I just need to review the questions that they're going to ask me during the interview afterwards. And speaking of performing, last weekend was switch night for Rocky. I got to play Frank for the first time and it was absolutely amazing! That was probably the most fun character I've ever played at Rocky. I had such a blast! If you want to check out some pics from the show,
go here.
Hey, guess who has a job now, I do! Not the most amazing job, but it's right down the street and it's easy. I've even longboarded there for the first time yesterday. The weather is getting beautiful! Except for today though, today doesn't count. There's a bunch of crap clouds in the sky. I also brought my bike out for the first time yesterday. I think I'm prepared for summer finally, I even tied my hemp rope around my ankle already, and it's not coming off till fall!
There, that should do for an entry. I also have the perfect video today. As maybe a few of you know, Stephen Lynch made his broadway debut as The Wedding Singer recently. I really want to go see this in New York this summer! But we'll see if that even happens. So remember, alcohol equals puke equals smelly mess equals nobody likes you! (quote from The Wedding Singer movie) Here's your clip.
Love is what I do