Nov 10, 2004 22:39
Hey, look. I don't have a restriction on who can comment on my journal cause i welcome all comments...with one stipulation. Please tell me who you are. So if you're too scared to let me know who you are, then do'nt say anything. I mean, come on. Grow up people.
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First of all, I don't need to look into your recomendations, because I have enough faith in my beliefs(Methodist), to feel concrete that other beliefs morally wrong. Also, if you read more carfully and check your history books you would find that my statements are correct(appling to statements bassed on fact exclude retarded kindergardener, which applies to attitude). My beliefs are based on my reading of the bible a book concreted by the actual life of Jesus Christ, and can be checked by historical document and mention in most of the major world religions. The Church of Latter-day saints, however is based on a single account, and flimsy accounts of bi-standers that do nothing but provide evidence againt the religion, showing you "divine" connection with The All mighty to be a hoax and a lie. Second, the accounts of the Book of mormon show magic colors of changing of skin suspose to happen instantly, and these genetic lines can be traced easily back shwoign their evolution form the biblical account fo the garden of eden (not saying you don't belive int eh garden of eden cause you do). It also mentions Native american incountters with Jesus. which are not mention in any native americna literature or hitorical song. Now don't you think the native americans would rember Jesus coming?
Lastly, Insulting some one on something they can help seems much more just then something they can't, like if he where black, he can;t help that religion you can. So its a life choice and free grounds for trampling. Aslo "dark side" come on you wasted all you time to end like that I mean holy crap.
-Jack Daniels
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