Took a religion survey posted by
elloliam to see which religions matched my beliefs. 67% Scientology? 96% New Age?! I feel like this survey should have been a lot longer, because it seems like my answers were a little misinterpreted. Then again, I dropped my Sociology major before taking Survey Methodology, so what do I know?
1. Mahayana Buddhism (100%)
2. Unitarian Universalism (98%)
3. Neo-Pagan (96%)
4. New Age (96%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (87%)
6. Liberal Quakers (87%)
7. Hinduism (86%)
8. Jainism (78%)
9. Taoism (75%)
10. New Thought (74%)
11. Mainline - Liberal Christian Protestants (70%)
12. Scientology (67%)
13. Secular Humanism (64%)
14. Reform Judaism (62%)
15. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (62%)
16. Sikhism (57%)
17. Bahai (56%)
18. Orthodox Quaker (51%)
19. Orthodox Judaism (38%)
20. Non-theist (38%)
21. Islam (34%)
I'm not posting the results that got less than a 25% match with my beliefs, eliminating things like Mainline Conservative Christianity, Latter Day Saints, and Roman Catholicism. What Jesus will say on Sunday:
WTF! I leave for three days and this happens!
Maybe I got such a high New Age score because I want to cover my body in tattoos of crop circles:
Just kidding. But seriously. The Truth. It's out there. I Want to Believe. but don't.
[EDIT: Remembered I already posted one such survey on here before. New reasoning is that I'm charting the evolution of my beliefs. Eat me.]