Nov 27, 2008 19:41
I just had a little moment where I came back across the Vintage Steelsings group on Facebook and then somehow plunged myself into the current Steelsings forums and then the website. It's so strange, it's actually ten years ago - ten whole years - since I first belonged there as a young mage :-) Timorene, trying to take over the world/message board. And I would have thought I was ancient if I could see myself in the future, but being my age doesn't feel old now I'm here. I wonder if this is how I will feel when I am forty - like mid-twenties are super young but forty is too?
Who knows. Not me, the mango eater.
But it is funny being older. All of a sudden I actually like vegetables. I like to eat them, I crave the taste of fruit or a juicy carrot or some rocket in my sandwich. Once upon a time I eschewed green things with a firm hand unless it was guacamole. But I still feel the same about exercise. Ie. mais non monsieur, je ne cest pas le excercise or whathaveyou.
Anyway, I have mucho stuff to read - a pile of manuscripts ... but first a quick waxing lyrical about films.
I went to see Baz Luhrman's 'Australia' yesterday and was pleasantly surprised. They have been pushing this film - hard - in Australia as a moving epic, an updated Gone with the Wind Oz style, so I thought it would be some kind of long romantic piece of bother but then it started ... and I could feel the Baz style coming through straight away as Nicole Kidman hammed it up ... and i thought she was quite delightful for the most part, very amusing - the scene where her underwear got tossed around in a street brawl was hilarious. And Nulla, the little boy, was gorgeous, really gorgeous without being cutesy. Hugh Jackman was BUILT. The number of times they said 'crikey' made me want to punch someone - it was truly cringeworthy - but otherwise the film rolled along with a plot hole here and a plot hole there but the background scenery was so exquisite - and the colours and theatre so vivid - that I forgave them the excruciating moments of sentiment and cheesiness. So all around, I'd give it seven out of ten. But that's probably also because work paid.
As for James Bond - forgettable, underwhelming, it felt more like a postscript to Casino Royale than a story and film in it's own right. Daniel Craig pouted a little too much and was far too cold, I wanted to slap some life into him and tell him to poise more elaborate invitation than 'Can you help me find the stationery'. Come on man - you're a suave and sophisticated seducer! Oh well.
And Supernatural ... which the wonderful, fabulous and amazing and LOVELY Karen Miller sent to me - my god, it was heartbreaking, and I cannot stop thinking about it. Dean is one of the best characters I have met in any show - if he was a living, breathing creature (and Jenson Ackles plays him so well that I feel like he is) I would not be able to say no to anything he asked for. He deserves all that is good in life after what he's been through ... and the themes of the show right now feed right into my wildest dreams of the fight between good and evil - truly. In fact I think I will go back and watch ep 1. Must buy the DVD of the third season too - we only have S1 and 2 and bits of four :).