It is with great pride that I announce my most recently completed reading.
For the first time, I get to discuss a printed book by a graduated student of mine.
Four Dragons, by Diana Dru Botsford, is #16 in the Stargate SG-1 series of novels. As I type, Diana is on her way to Antarctica to research the sequel to this one.
So I'm torn between being proud, and being jealous.
Anyway, it's very nicely done.
Warning: It is dependent on a knowledge of the TV series characters, as are almost all of these novelizations. I could tell I was missing much of the character tension and background, since I'm not familiar with the series.
This novel is packed with tension, surprises, and complicated plot elements. It crackles!!
Fans of the series should buy four copies, at least, apiece. I look forward to reading the sequel!!
CBsIP: (a few hundred pages of student manuscripts)
2666, Roberto Bolano
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Charles Mackay, LL.D.
Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong, James W. Loewen
The Natural, Bernard Malamud
The Tools for Successful Online Teaching, Lisa Dawley
[Notice that I made no snide remarks about the grimace on p. 203. Nor would I even go on to mention the grimace on p. 272, because such pettiness is beneath me. True, but for the two grimaces, the book could have been immortal. But one ought not carp, nor snark, nor snipe.]