My DD, almost 6 mo, has had ear infections on and off for the past month. A month ago it was both ears, treated with Amox. When checked at 10 days out she still had fluid, but no infection. A week or so later she came down with bronchiolitis (thanks, big brother in preschool...) and they found another ear infection. Round 2 of abx was cefilexin (sp) which she hated. The virus cleared, but I suspected her ears had not so we went in for another check last week. They were in both ears again, and really ugly. Azithromicin was prescribed, and today is the last day of the course. She likes the flavor of these, but she's had bad diarrhea with them :(
We have a friend who is a PA for an ENT and she checked her ears yesterday and said they were still very infected. Her doc said she doesn't want to see her again unless she gets worse. I guess because she's already given her such strong abx that she isn't going to prescribe anything else and wants to see if they'll clear up when she's finally been healthy for a while and have a chance to drain? She gave us numbing ear drops and told us to use Tylenol for her comfort until her 6 moth appointment in a month.
Our friend is going to recheck for us on Friday. We're also trying chiropractic care for her. I have also been putting breast milk in her ears when I'm able.
I guess I'm just feeling lost here. Do I just wait it out and keep trying to manage her pain? Get a second opinion? I know ear infections aren't the biggest deal in the world, and neither are tubes if it comes to that point, but I just want her to feel well again and I'm worried for her.
Thanks for any thoughts you have :)
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