Books Read, '08, '09, '10 so far

Mar 21, 2010 12:04

I realized today that I've not updated my list of books read in '08, and '09 on here, and is going through a remodel, so it would probably be best for me to make sure I have that stored somewhere else.  So, here's '08, '09, and what's happened so far in '10:

2010 Books Read:
6. Why You Say It - Webb Garrison
5. Best Friends Forever - Jennifer Weiner
4. The Darkest Evening of the Year - Dean Koontz
3. The Last Song - Nicholas Sparks
2. It Sucked and then I Cried - Heather Armstrong
1. Into the Minds of Babes - Lisa Guernsey

2009 Books Read:
20. The Nasty Bits - Anthony Bourdain
19. The Jane Austen Book Club - Karen Joy Fowler
18. How To Be Good - Nicholas Hornby
17. Handle With Care - Jodi Picoult
16. My Enemy's Cradle - Sara Young
15. Kabul Beauty School - Deborah Rodriguez
14. Finger Lickin Fifteen - Janet Evanovich
13. Good Grief - Lolly Winston
12. Middlesex - Jeffrey Eugenides
11. Fearless Fourteen - Janet Evanovich
10. The Shack - William P. Young
9. Naughty Neighbor - Janet Evanovich
8. Love Works Like This - Lauren Slater
7. Reunion - Alan Lightman
6. The Wonder Weeks - Hetty Banderijt and Frans Plooij
5. The Baby Book - Drs. Sears
4. Baby 411 - Ari Brown and Denise Fields
3. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan - Lisa See
2. The Faraday Girls - Monica McInerney
1. Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert

2008 Books Read:
44. The Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth - Henci Goer
43. Ina May's Guide to Childbirth - Ina May Gaskin
42. Birthed in Prayer - Kim Barker
41. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down - Anne Fadiman^
40. The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy - Vicki Iovine
39. Baby Bargains - Denise and Alan Fields
38. The Silver Chair - C.S. Lewis
37. Everything Nice - Ellen Shanman
36. Summer Sisters - Judy Blume
35. Picture Perfect - Jodi Picoult*
34. Skin Tight - Carl Hiaasen
33. The Sugar Queen - Sarah Addison Allen
32. The Wonder Spot - Melissa Bank
31. The Devil's Labyrinth - John Saul
30. Wife for Hire - Janet Evanovich
29. Change of Heart - Jodi Picoult
28. Island of the Sequined Love Nun - Christopher Moore*
27. A Thousand Splendid Suns - Khaled Hosseini^
26. Native Tongue - Carl Hiaasen*
25. The Memory Keeper's Daughter - Kim Edwards
24. A Dirty Job - Christopher Moore*
23. Three Cups of Tea - Greg Mortenson^
22. Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller
21. Plum Lucky - Janet Evanovich*
20. The Quickie - James Patterson*
19. The Case of the Missing Books - Ian Sansom
18. Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married - Marian Keyes
17. Oh Baby! - Randi Reisfeld and H.B. Gilmour
16. the curious incident of the dog in the night-time - Mark Haddon
15. Handbags and Gladrags - Maggie Alderson
14. Second Chances - Jane Green
13. Taking Charge of Your Fertility - Toni Weschler
12. The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove - Christopher Moore*
11. Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury*
10. Three Weeks With My Brother - Nicholas and Micah Sparks*
9. Free Food for Millionaires - Min Jin Lee^
8. Step on a Crack - James Patterson*
7. The Choice - Nicholas Sparks
6. The Rocky Road to Romance - Janet Evanovich
5. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - C.S. Lewis
4. Lean Mean Thirteen - Janet Evanovich
3. Tuesdays with Morrie - Mitch Albom*
2. The Big Love - Sarah Dunn
1. The Book of Salt - Monique Truong^
* Bookring or Bookray
^ Book Club Book


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