(no subject)

Jul 01, 2005 21:14

I see: the computer
I need: to go out and relax
I find: myself really annoyed @ home
I want: to watch the fireworks later
I have: stories...somewhat
I wish: I could sleep through a lot of it
I love: chocolate
I hate: drama
I miss: my "homies" if you will
I fear: *shHH
I feel: cool
I hear: my mom
I smell: dish-soap
I crave: chocolate
I search: for answers
I wonder: why?
I regret: too many to name

When was the last time you ...

Smiled?: today
Laughed?: yesterday
Cried?: last month @ work
Bought something?: Yesterday my jeans =D
Danced?: two days ago - Rouselle's house
Were sarcastic? yesteryda
Kissed someone?: eh
Talked to an ex?: little while ago
Watched your favorite movie?: I have many
Had a nightmare?: no idea..i don't usually remember dreams / nightmares...last one i REMEMBER was prom night.

A Last time for everything ...

Last book you read: some stupid text book
Last movie you saw: brown movie
Last song you heard: indian song
Last thing you had to drink: water
Last time you showered: this morning
Last thing you ate: brown food

Do You ...

Smoke?: occasionally
Do drugs?: nahh
Have sex?: no
Sleep with stuffed animals?:no my mom threw away my teddy =( ( i was 8 STOP LAUGHING!)
Live in the moment?: Sometimes
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: kinda
Play an instrument?: not anymore
Believe there is life on other planets?: yes
Remember your first love?: define love
Still love him/her?: see above
Read the newspaper?: occasionally.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: yup..they're just as normal as you and i
Believe in miracles?: yes.
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: most of the times
Consider love a mistake?: no
Like the taste of alcohol?: no
Have a favorite candy?: i like ALL CANDY!
Believe in astrology?: Somewhat
Believe in magic?: not really...but i'm brown and my moms uber superstitious
Believe in God?: yes
Pray?: sometimes
Go to church?: not as often as i should be
Have any secrets?: yes
Have any pets: no
Do well in school?: i'm average..if i decided to put in some effort i could probably be amazing
Go to or plan to go to college?: university - ryerson
Have a major?: plan major in business management and minor in human resources
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: Sometimes
Wear hats?: if i'm forced to
Have any piercings?: not yet
Have any tattoos?: not yet
Hate yourself?: no
Have an obsession?: yes
Have a secret crush?: eh
Do they know yet?: i believe so
Collect anything?: my receipts?
Have a best friend?: yup..you guys know who you are =) *BIG hug*
Wish on stars?: no
Like your handwriting?: sometimes.
Have any bad habits?: yes
Care about looks?: my own generally
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: i have none, but generally...more of how they dress rather than their physical features. that's something they have no control over.
Friends and other people?: no..
Believe in witches?: no
Believe in Satan?: kind of
Believe in ghosts?: yes
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