Jul 27, 2005 06:36
So, after much deliberation and taking a couple of people's oppinions that i value, i decided to go ahead and fuck that mountain of misery shit up. I told my pops last night and he got giddy. it was funny. he was all being goofy and jumping around the house and shit. and we decided i would go halves on a bike so i can a nice one. maybe as soon as next week, depending on if his current excitement wanes or not.
you can check the ride out at www.mountainsofmisery.com and it's the century moutains of misery..the century as opposed to double metric junt.
excerpt from website that makes me intrigued to see how my body will be equipped to handle something like this:
"Are you ready to climb? The 2005 Mountains of Misery Ride takes place on Sunday, May 29th. It features a challenging Century and a quad searing Double Metric (200 kilometers/ 125 miles). The Challenge Century (100 miles) has nearly 10,000 feet of climbing. The double metric over 13,000 feet. Don't worry, or maybe, worry- both routes still end with the climb up to beautiful Mountain Lake, a five-kilometer category 1 climb, reaching road pitches up to 11.9%!"
My dad expunged on this by reminding me you are about 96 or so miles into it BEFORE you begin your last hill. to put it into perspective, i was doing a bit of research, and not all the time, mind you, but the average road pitch for hills on the tour de france is around 7-8 percent. this thing is gonna be no joke. But i'm excited. I realize that, more so in 2006, my interpersonal relationships may be a tad bit effected, so bear with me. it's only till may.
and to make my morning even better than it already was, i had 2 hilarious messages from myke that are sitll making me chuckle. They are coming home and ready to "smoke the tweed and get down. Ben say buy him a 6 of golden brass monkey and some yuengling. and Woo is in need of that greenery, so you the hook up on that, know what i'm sayin?" hahahahahaha, fucking lovely.
i'ma go kill a bowl of golden grahams and get to work.
holla, fuckers.