Okay, so I guess that I never realized how much of a "Let's go make out because we're only in middle / high school and that's all that we can do because we suck" place the movie theatre is. Well, I guess that I should more accurately say that I never thought that the movie theatre IN BOSTON would have all these fucking horny ass twelve year olds fornicating in their seats while watching The Ring 2 (which, by the way, sucked a duck... and I say duck because I am referring to middle school kids who can't say dick... and also because it rhymes).
Picture this: My friend Bobby and I are waiting in line for our tickets at Loew's Theatre, which, by the way, is a huge ass line. This couple in front of is consists of two typical looking teenagers apparel-wise and their faces are not the most beautiful in the world, let me just say that. I mean, I know that it is an awkward time in one's life and acne can create serious barriers to one's true beauty, but on the other hand, you can fucking tell when someone's gonna grow up to be a fugly piece of shit. ANYWAY, so this couple is very close and they are talking - completely normal - then, after a little bit of talking they start to get closer, maybe by the guy hitting the girl playfully and the girl hitting him back playfully - a little annoying, but still completely normal - . NEXT THING YOU FUCKING KNOW, THEY ARE MAD ALL OUT GOING AT IT IN THE MIDDLE OF A FREAKING LINE LIKE COKED UP JACK RABBITS. And, if you would like a visual, please visit this link:
http://www.tc.umn.edu/~moha0117/kissing%20first%20cousins.jpg Now, you think that would be enough for them, BUT NO... right after the making out is done, they go for a little ass grabbing, cheek by cheek. Then, they go back to talking and the whole cycle repeats itself. Also, please picture this all happening in super sped up time, because it was like these two were just programmed to have a schedule that every TWO FUCKING MINUTES they would simply need to do this. I was so effing grossed out, and to this day it continues to disturb the shit out of me. That is all.