Nov 28, 2004 22:52
Today was...ahh whats the word, Im looking for? Dull? ah no, oh Boring. But me being the creative 7 year old that I am, I made it another fun filled day at the Mccartney house.
Today was sunday, the day of rest. Did my parents not get the memo? I had to clean about my room and pick out the toys I no longer need or used to give to the toy drive at school. Whichever class collects the most gets a pizza party, which would be nice to win but mother says its the thought that counts and told me to take all of lea's stuff out of my donation box and put it away.
After I finished cleaning my room, mom thought it would be nice if we went shopping. This was not good, I was going to go the mall to see santa alot sooner then I expected. What would I tell him? how would I explain everything? So I protested, I would not go see santa, I would throw a fit if I had to. My mother laughed at me, we werent going to the mall, I wasnt going to see santa,I was going to wies...I was going to spend the next 2 hours sitting in a cold metal cart, or holding daddy's hand around the store, or worse, lea's.
Shopping was nice, but very tiring, and I was also starving to. I guess mom and dad also didnt get the memo on feeding your kids before you shop. We went to the Old country buffet, which I pigged out. I hate when I do that, I never have room for dessert. They make such good mashed potatoes tho.
I fell alseep on the way home, which is quite amazing, I didnt think I could sleep threw mom,dads and lea's singing along with the christmas carols on the radio.
Later on at home, mom had me go threw hand me down clothes from Jesse. We go threw this every year. Im 7 year old, and I have school clothes, play clothes, social clothes and dress clothes. One question..why? I mean Im not some messy kid I can handle a nice pair of clothes here and there. Dont get me wrong, I get new clothes, but only when I "need" them.
Its Late and I should be getting to bed, if I hurry I might get a few cookies or even better, maybe a cupcake :)
Night Everyone!
P.S Anais is my new sister. Dont worry Lea, I still love you <3333