Feb 25, 2005 16:19
ok well.... i am just one genius over here lol becuase i am i the best person lol... and this is all tru becuasse last night and some of today i used my wonderfu match makin skills and set nate and joslyn up its almost there !!!! she just as to get rid of nickkkk B lol and last night wow he's such and ass hole becuase he was trying so fcking hard to get joslyn mad at me by telling her that i was yelling and like swearing at him online and thats bull shit and hey knew it and joslyn was like STOP STOP on aim to me!! and then caled me and told me to them i imed nick and i was like why are you fcking doing this shit and he was like what are you taking about and i said you kno that this is the first time i talked to you today!! and he was like no!! and so then i said oh yeah if im saying so many bad things to you right noiw... i am right ? he wa slike yup you are and i told joslyn!! and then i said then send her the convo!! and then i told joslyn to ask him to send it to her and then as soon as she did he signed off.. wow what skills in lying he fcking has lmao hes so pathetic and he told her i was like callin him a jew lol hahahaha!! and after that joslyn caled me and she told me hiow she believes me and im glad becuase i was telling that truth i mena why the fck would he say that stuff to her?? does he really want me to not be friends with her that bad becuase if he does i dont kno what the fck is wrong with that kid.. that fcking fatass is te only one who i dont get along wiht in the entire 8th grade!! hes the only one who has a problem with me and he's the person i hate the most and he is a lot to hate!! hahaha sry for that one joslyn.. but it dont matter becuase joslyn is going to dump him she told me and i hope shes gonna go out with nate becuase he is a realy nice kid and joslyn desirves a ot better then nick and last night she was tellin g what she liked about nick and everything she said nate was a better!! becuase nicks just a asshole with joslyn becuase his fatass thinks he so kool with her becuase he has like his first gf!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr i hate him so much and i bet that as soon as he finds out about her and nate he sgonna think i put them together becuase i dont like him.. and thats not it,, its that he treats her like dirt and she doenst need that and nate is a nice kid and you can trust him not to have rumors that he had sex wit someone while he was going out with joslyn like nick did!! even tho nick doesnt have sex becuase no one wants to have it with him its styill not good lol and then he leaves her messages and then when he finds out that she doesnt like them and is mad he says he was drunk when the fcking idiot has never been drunk in is fcking life and i should kno!! that wasnt a drunking message so hes bullshit and i think he deserves to be cheated on and everything becuase hes done that to josyn!! grrrrrrr all the fcking things he does make me so mad!!!
well thats a lot!! lol so me gonna stop now becuase that ^ is a ot for anyone to fckin take