I got a week-long paid vacation coming up on the 23rd. I will spend profuse time playing the saxophone, working out and doing things conducive to getting the studio up/running/churning out the phat kkka$h like so much butter between your mother's thighs. Flyers will be affixed to vertical surfaces without shame.
I've kind of stopped masturbating as an effect of programming myself with the material on
http://www.himalayanacademy.com . Fancy that, first one Golden Dharma teaches me how to masturbate like never before (thank you, Taoist multi-orgasm secrets!), then another gets me to just edge off the whole thing entirely. In other news I seem to have acquired the conviction that I will maintain my virginity until I have a proper Hindu marriage. Gor blimey!
Sadhana's going pretty deece. I learned what most of the words in the Sanskrit Ganapatyatharvasirshopanishat mean. The habit of waking up early/going to be early is starting to stick like so much gooey built up semen in the process of being reabsorbed into my bloodstream.
Peace, niggas.