From about 7th grade to 9th grade I was involved with competative Bible Quizzing. It's where you learn a chapter of the bible (like I Corinthians Chapters 1 and 2, not the whole book of I Corinthians) word for word for a month and then compete as a team against 2 other church teams at a time.
The drawing on the left is of one of the quiz boxes. There was a button in the pad that you'd sit on. When all the pads were depressed, then the "ready" light would come on. Then the quizmaster would ask a question, and whoever jumped up first, their light would go off. The box was set so only the first light to go off would stay on.
We competed in a league in Michigan, with tournaments being held once a month at a different church each time. My church and one from Chatham were the only Canadian teams. At the end of the year there was a big midwest conference in Indianapolis for the ultimate Bible Quizzing Championship. They mixed up the teams from Detroit at that one to make stronger teams, and my last year I got placed on the Dream Team.
It was me and the 4 best quizzers in the league. I wasn't really that good, but I was the best on my team and I guess I showed potential. The only 2 guys I can remember from the team was this guy Pat who always scored the highest number of questions each month, and this guy Calvin who looked kind of Jewish and went to Calvin Baptist Church. I was the sub-in on the team so I didn't get much action at the tournament but we won! I can't find the trophy, but I don't think I threw it out so it must be at my parents house somewhere.