57 || Video

May 01, 2011 19:17

*The comm springs to life, showing some sky, a few branches and part of a tree trunk. For a while it's eerily silent then there's a muffled curse and some rustling of leaves. A hand reaches out and grabs the communicator, stuffing it into a pocket. Enjoy the black screen as Tim shambles along through the forest, kicking up leaves and breathing ( Read more... )

c: terezi pyrope, c: seimei, c: akihiko, c: hannah, c: yuu, back in the mansion, c: philip, that's not my phone, c: alex, happy birthday tim, c: spencer, c: santana, c: droog, c: phil, i hate forests

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[videoooo] itsahotone May 2 2011, 02:24:55 UTC

--I mean. There's some shock going on over here, which is why you get staring. Stare stare staaaare.]


timisnotme May 2 2011, 02:29:26 UTC
*No lie, he's staring right back. It's been over a year since he was here and he's... a bit weirded out.*


What the...?


itsahotone May 2 2011, 02:33:11 UTC
[She...wasn't expecting him to remember her. Not after what CERTAIN ASSHOLES said.]



timisnotme May 2 2011, 02:39:45 UTC
Hi. I .. I uh...

*What the fuck is he supposed to say in this situation? That he missed her? Because he hadn't remembered Wonderland AT ALL when he was gone. Now that he was back, so were the memories, slightly dimmed over time but.. But.*

How long have I been gone?


itsahotone May 2 2011, 02:44:36 UTC
Like...a week? [She can't be sure, since there had been a couple days before she realized he was gone after last seeing him. She was just starting to actually accept it, though, so this kind of throws her off. She keeps not looking at the screen.]


timisnotme May 2 2011, 02:45:53 UTC
A week? Really? It was..

*He frowns and looks off screen for a while trying to think, when had he come here the first time? And when had he gone back? It was hard to tell without distinct points of reference.*

I think I was back home for about a year.


itsahotone May 2 2011, 02:52:03 UTC
[Here, Tim! Have some more staring!]

A year.


timisnotme May 2 2011, 03:13:24 UTC

Are.. Are you busy? Can I see you?

*Okay, so he remembers Santana, and how she is. And how much she hates snuggly stuff, but he could really, really use a hug right now.*


itsahotone May 2 2011, 03:19:57 UTC
Um. Yeah, yeah.

...Do you remember my room? [Tiiiiniest bit of bitterness there. He was gone a freakin year, what the hell.]


timisnotme May 2 2011, 03:28:31 UTC
Yeah. I think so.

*He starts to make his way towards the mansion from the forest. He's in a state of shock right now and forgets to turn the comm off as he limps off towards her room.*


itsahotone May 2 2011, 03:36:54 UTC
[Then she'll just squint at the picture, trying to figure out why there is a weird...jump to it. Is he limping?

Aaaanyway. After awhile she goes and opens the door, then goes to sit back on her bed, like she's half expecting him to just not show up.]


timisnotme May 2 2011, 03:40:24 UTC
*And the Tim is there! He looks well.. pretty much the same. He looks pretty tired right now though. He knocks on the open door before walking into the room.*

Hey. How's uh.. how's it going?


itsahotone May 2 2011, 03:47:56 UTC
[Oh hey, he's actually there. Santana tries to remain nonchalant, and shrugs.]

Kinda boring without you around.


timisnotme May 2 2011, 04:03:18 UTC
Well then I'm....glad I'm back.

*He awkwardly stands in the middle of her room unsure what to do. He's still pretty shocked this is happening, and he doesn't know how to react.*


itsahotone May 2 2011, 04:09:26 UTC
[Well, get ready to remain shocked and unaware of how to react, Tim. Because Santana is now going to stand up and silently cross over ...

and hug him. Which there would be a matching icon for if they didn't expire gdi]


timisnotme May 2 2011, 04:12:43 UTC

And that's exactly what he needs to prove this is real. He snuggles against her happily and closes his eyes. He was back. Everything was gonna be okay again.*


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