41 || Video [locked parts are easily hackable]

Jan 22, 2011 15:34

*So Tim has already discovered the strange foot and a half tall action figure of Brian. And after getting over his initial terror of a moving and sort of living doll has vaguely come to terms with the thing. Right now it's sitting on the couch with a controller in it's hands, next to some chip wrappers and soda cans. Obviously now that he has a ( Read more... )

c: meltzer, gauntlet time, creepy dolls event, c: philip, c: alex, brian's back in the hizouuuse, c: santana, c: daniel

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40410 January 23 2011, 00:55:43 UTC
[ Don't mind the bright red graze across Alex's cheekbone. ]

Shit. You have one too?


timisnotme January 23 2011, 01:30:39 UTC
Yeah. I guess everyone does. It's not so bad. It's a mini Brian. WHO CHEATS AT VIDEO GAMES.

*That last part was directed back over his shoulder at the doll, who turns and flips him off before going back to the game he's playing.*


40410 January 23 2011, 02:05:52 UTC
It's not Brian. Don't let it make you think it is.

[ Wow, someone's got a bee in his bonnet. Good thing he's not speaking loud enough for the doll in the background to hear. ]


timisnotme January 23 2011, 04:56:00 UTC
What? It's close enough. What difference does it make?


40410 January 23 2011, 16:22:23 UTC
It'd be just like the mansion to make us think they're really - those people.

[ Which is why Alex now has notes to himself in the appropriate drawers, reminding him that they're not. ]

Yours hasn't tried to hurt you?


timisnotme January 23 2011, 20:32:06 UTC
Nah. He's probably enough like Brian that he's too lazy to do that. Who uh.. Showed up for you?


40410 January 23 2011, 21:13:39 UTC
[ His mouth twitches in distress. ]

She's - not someone you know.


timisnotme January 23 2011, 21:34:49 UTC
Oh. You okay there?

Did it attack you or something?


40410 January 23 2011, 22:18:22 UTC

[ Ah, yes, that was a bit of embarrassment that a doll managed to land a hit on him. But for the most part he's still on edge, uncomfortable with the fact that there's still a trained attack doll right there behind Tim oh my god. ]

It doesn't look like everyone's is doing that. [ Someone's been spying on the network. ] I don't know what the difference is.

[ Barely-unspoken implication: be careful, for crying out loud. ]


timisnotme January 23 2011, 22:28:37 UTC
*The fact that Tim is so cheerful and nice probably has something to do with it.*

I dunno. I think it's kind of cool. Even if it is just an event.


40410 January 23 2011, 22:52:17 UTC

[ Well, he has no doubt that if the thing does decide to attack, Tim can hold his own against a little toy. He mostly wonders how Tim can stand to hang out with the doll of a friend who must have been Operatored. ]

Be careful.


timisnotme January 23 2011, 22:58:25 UTC
*Mostly because Tim doesn't KNOW that Brian got Operatored.*

I will be.

So I uh.. Heard that J got out of here.


40410 January 23 2011, 23:33:15 UTC
[ Alex actually intended to bring that up in this conversation, so he looks surprised for a moment that Tim already knows. ]


That's a good way of putting it.


timisnotme January 23 2011, 23:55:36 UTC
I dunno. *shrug* It's not so bad here.

*Mostly because he knows what's going on here and isn't just.. a body for Markus to use. So he actually prefers being here to being back home.*

You think J is there you know.. without all of us?

*Us meaning the Operator and Masky*


40410 January 24 2011, 00:39:43 UTC
[ Alex could disagree with Tim about the mansion being okay in about a thousand ways, but he kind of likes the fact that they can have non-doom-laden conversations, so he refrains. Just narrows his lips, noncommittal. ]

I think so.

[ He's not sure how it works, but there must be some sort of time discrepancy accounted for. ]

I hope at least he's there without the...

[ Beat. He doesn't quite look behind him, but his eyes move as if he's about to before he reins himself in. ]

You know.


timisnotme January 24 2011, 01:08:28 UTC
Yeah. That's kind of what I meant. Too bad we couldn't all go home and he..it.. got stuck here instead.


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