First few days of having my own place!

Sep 11, 2008 10:06

Day 1:

As I don't have access to the internet (and won't until Sept 11) I figured I'd write these offline so that I had a record of the first few eventful days. So today began with me and Paul having an early start and finding out that the diner across the street has an amazing (like the Old Mel's) breakfast special. Then we got a couch that was at minimum 28 inches into a doorway that was 25 inches... a reciprocating saw was involved. Then Paul took off to Toronto and I to campus to get a student card and all the paperwork done. I got home about 3pm and started the task of organizing my new place. It took about an hour, 50 nails, 10 screws and 1 sawed off lag bolt to get the couch together again and DAMN is it comfortable... now tommorow I need to get an iron and some patches so that I can make it look a little less like a franken couch. 2 Hours into the organization the fruit flies (a gift from the previous tenant) began to drive me nuts so I killed 20-30... didn't drop their numbers much but made me feel better. Several hours later I have the living room mostly done all that is left to do is some fine tuning involving the sound system, but the TV, XBOX and computer are all linked together. After all that (around 10:30pm) I went into the kitchen and decided to finish filling a garbage bag. The previous tenant had a tall narrow enclosed shelf where she would throw all of her plastic bags, I figure the landlord left them because they are just bags right? WRONG. After taking out a handful or two I noticed a large increase in the number of flies. On went the gloves, and the long sleeves to tuck the gloves into. Another handful then showed what was the food source. It looked like a bag of potatoes, I think... It took about 4 seconds before I drained the better part of a bottle of toxic cleaner on it. let it sit, then shoveled the whole jelly-like mess into a bag and then proceeded to launch it outside to deal with tommorow. After working at Easyhome and seeing people who literally live in their own maggot infested shit, the sight here didn't phase me much but it did reinforce my willpower to get these damn bugs gone. Tommorow I get a flyswatter and get them one at a time if need me, they have no food source anymore so their numbers shouldn't grow so fast >_<.

Day 2 & 3:

Sometimes genocide is a good thing... the fruit flies are all but gone and with any luck they will all be dead by the time the weekend is over. I finished wiring the XBOX and sound system up and (of course) had to pick up a game to test it all out. Turns out Assassin's Creed is a bit hard to play on a 26 inch widescreen TV from across the room but it doesn't stop it from being any less awesome. Bed arrives tommorow, first time I will have had a boxspring in two decades... well that and 6 inches of foam (YAY for NO futon). I have hung the Keith's flag so the place is really starting to look like I live in it. On the school front classes are classes, no difference. My TA spot consists of running the physics help desk on Tuesday mornings and grading 2 of 10 assignments throughout the term; not that bad. Oh well, tommorow should be interesting as it occured to me that as I live mainly out of the freezer the tiny one in the fridge I currently have just won't do, also a microwave is an essential part of modern living. But the Brick just up the street is having a scratch and dent sale, we'll see how that goes.


Bugs are gone, save for the odd one. Managed to find a microwave (which was a hell of a lot harder then it should have been). Also finished un-packing the rest of my stuff, so the house is pretty much done :). On a side note having a bed that isn't a futon is sweeeet, slept for something like 16 hours and didn't even notice. What I did notice was a creepy ass part of my dream in where a anthromorphised fruit fly was made out to look like Tiny Tim (cane and all), (Imaging something like Baxter from ninja turtles but creepier) and he said to me "Why do you slaughter us so?" to which I replied "Because you are." at which point he smiled like the cat in American McGee's Alice and said "You are too.". No idea what that is supposed to tell me but it wasn't creepy enough to get me out of bed, just for me to remember it as if it actually happened. Ah well, enough of this time for school.
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