Apr 21, 2006 21:52
At first I thought there would be less drama at SoC just to find out there is more. People that are such Assholes that take everything too damn seriously. And they dont have something to take seriously or have no reason to get pissed other then they lost a debate they make up shit and tell one of your best friends just to make your life even more stressful. Example Some stupid Fucking Redneck who will remain nameless and I got into a debate because he said that homosexuals are beneath him. HAHAHA NO, and those of you that know me, know i dont put up with that shit. So i calmly made him look like a dumbass debating with him and asking him for reasons to why he thinks that which I had an answer to all of his stupidity and counter attacks. Like, homosexuals shouldnt be together because they cant reproduce, so thats like saying the elderly cant find love anymore because they cant reproduce with the women already gone through Menopause. Then the teacher relized what we were debating about and he told the redneck to sit his ignorant ass away from me. So then he goes to one of my bestest friends and tells him some bullshit story, just so he has someone to fight that would piss me off. He told him, that I said that he said that the redneck was a "Fat, ugly, straight boy" or some shit like that to get back at me. What kinda shit is that. Straight men are starting to piss me off to where I want to leave this earth for an ALL gay one. If they dont have someone to punch or arm wrestle, they manipulate. They are stupid, ignorant, disgusting, and they shouldnt live on this earth unless they can learn to cooperate and get along without getting hostile. Grr...and people wonder how women can be lesbian. BECAUSE STRAIGHT MEN ARE DUMB ASS FUCKHEADS!!!!!! There is just one reason! Oh and another straight boy is being a dousche bag but i wont explain that one without permission cuz I dont just spread shit like that. What makes it so appealing to Straight boys to show that they are the top dog and will stop at nothing to be there, even though they all stoop so low the longest rope couldnt help them get up again! FUCK STRAIGHT MEN TO HELL! They are worthless scum that should be scraped off the earth. and if women want to have babies then ask a gay man to donate their sperm. AND My Dad is a douschebag but he is a straight man there too so big surprise on him being a douschebag