whats up?

Dec 16, 2012 10:18

hello hello. whats up?

well i am all moved in hooked up and such lol. i feel like i dont have time for anything tho lol. thankfully that will soon slow down. somehow i always forget from one year to the next how busy fall thru christmas is for me..lol. outside of getting my tv printer and electronics out of storage as well as my christmas decorations (well all but one mysterious burried tub) i have not had a chance to work on storage. i have my fingers crossed for a mild winter break so maybe i can get some done while im off of school! I am also trying to figure out how to pack my christmas stuff in a more space concious way so i dont have tubs sitting around after its all over with!

all of the work christmas parties are now over. i am repurposing most of my gifts i recieved in exchanges because i just dont have a need for them. got a football helmet bookend kit with five bucks attached from one at work. keeping the five bucks.lol. painting and putting together the bookend kit with ravens logo for lady at work whom i drew in the secret santa.lol. she said she liked to read so yesterday i purchased a small gift card from barnes and noble which will be attached to her new sporty bookends .lol. (she is a ravens fan) i received a bottle of southern comfort eggnog from station party. i couldnt drink southern comfort on a good day..lol. so that is being given to my sister and brother in law for christmas. I also have a christmas throw that i am trying to figure out where to send. i thought of val to snuggle under on cold days but unfortunately this particular blanket has dreaded floating santa heads on it which she is kinda phobic about so thats out..lol. maybe i can take it to school for a spare kids blanket, they are always forgetting to bring them back when they are sent home to wash..lol. I also got my brother a small gift certificate for the local gospel shop, as well as a home made cd of some programming i have done at the station that i think he would enjoy. i also picked up a small something for val. i actually had a very involved homemade gift in mind, but i realized what i was hoping to do she probably had already done, so i dropped that idea, and i saw this thing and thought of her immediately, and it will still be useful for her so i am glad of that!!

my secret santa has been good to me! we give a small gift each week with out final gift being this week before we leave for winter break. now first i need to say we filled out little questionaires as to help out whomever got us in case it was someone we didnt know well. it asked us things like favorite colors things we liked to collect scents we liked etc. the first week my person got me a cute little lunch box filled with reese cups..lol. the box was purple with a snowman on it..she hit three things on my list in one shot!! lol the second week she got me this adorable soft fuzzy throw blanket with penguins on it! i actually already had one but i now have a matched set for my front porch one for each chair lol. and it is sooo soft and cuddly!! penquins also on my list..lol. then last week she got me this well how do i explain it? it was a panda bear beanie baby, that was somehow coated in layer of scented wax. the wax smells like cotton candy! the thing looks like its a panda candle but its not. the instructions said that whenever the scent begins to fade to simply warm it slightly using a hair dryer! pandas and cotton candy scent were on my list! i cannot wait to see what she ends it with!!! lol. i hope she has liked what i have gotten her as well.(i accidentally found out friday who had me and i have her too.) and most importantly she does not know i know and i dont think she knows i have her.

we had our first field trip on friday. we went to the hyatt and sang christmas carols aroud the tree for the staff and guests. they provided lunch and had santa for the kids. they had a great time! tuesday we are going to a retirement home her ein town to sing carols and hand out holiday cards. i hope this inspires some communtiy awareness in these kids cause god knows their parents have a me me me me complex..lol (ok well not all of them, but still i hope it is a good life lesson for the kiddies.)

on a darker note, i am horrified at the events on friday. all those people killed, small children and adults. not only am i shaken by the act itself, but it made me think..if this happened here what could i do towards the safety of my children? would turning out the class lights hiding the children and locking the classroom door be enough to save their little lives? would a madman try the door and move on if denied access, or would he bust the door in? the whole thing is just terrifying. what the hell was going thru that mans head when he decided to load up for bear and shoot up an elementary school??? i pray i never have to find out what i would do. we have safety prcautions for those type of things, but it really makes you wonder cause you know they did too and what good did it do them? i just pray that it was over very quick for them, and the poor children and adults who had to witness it get the psychiatric care they will most assuredly need to cope and move on. also let me step up on my soapbox and give just a small rant on this case as well...facebook...if i get one more person say that i dont care cause i havent copied and pasted all the shit that is circualting i am going to rip someone apart. do people really believe the only way to show you care about something is to copy and paste it on facebook?? is that really what our society has lowered itself to? because i dont follow the sheep and repost everything i see. what ignorance!! ok stepping down now..lol

i have been fighting for six weeks now to get my security deposit back. i am getting royally pissed. first it was oh we havent been in yet it will be within the next week. then it was yes we have been in we will get that out to you in the next week. then derek went in for me and it was as soon as we get the rents in this month we will send it, the next week. then it was oh well we have someone who is going to rent it and as soon as we get thier security deposit we will get that to you. we know you want your money with christmas and all...really thats why you think i want MY money?? idiots. i did some research and i have found according to state law they have to give it to me within 45 days which will be wed. i am putting together a letter for them now that will let them know that if i have not recieved it i will be persuing legal action. i do not want to go to court, but damn it i am tired of people trying to rip me off!! i think i will prob post it here too when i am done with it. derek doesnt see the point of the letter but i told him if we have to go to court i will need some sort of documentation. i have kept a log of everytime one of us has gone to talk to them and what they said. with that and this letter i will have something to present. i also know that according to state law when you pay a security deposit it is to be put in an escrow account and not used for other purposes. it is also supposed to earn a percentage of 3% interest if it is over the amount of 50.00. if they thought i was just going to let it go they were very wrong. at first i didnt want to go thru the pain of it, but i need to take a stand. i was a model tennant and left that apartment in better condition than i recieved it and i am getting my damn deposit back one way or the other!!

ok well i think that is it for now!!
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