One week.
Maybe it's more of a blessing than a curse, but I still feel that creeping apprehension. That much hasn't changed, at least. I'll get over it. I think it's because of how long I was worried about it, more than anything!
Does...anyone want anything specific to eat today? I'm at a loss for ideas, and since you guys are the ones who do the eating...
I thought it might be kind of interesting to try to make something at least similar to what you guys might eat in your home worlds. wanted, that is.
I keep thinking I should just move into the kitchen building in the back room. Put the memories of living in that shack behind me altogether. But then I just...can't go through with it. I can't fully put the memories behind me, not yet.
Just not yet.
Especially not with Itachi of all people back.
...Maybe it really was my fault they all left.
I should keep busy. Train like dad would have wanted if he were still here, stop being a weak puppy. Dreizehn is strong, I can be strong too.
It's getting closer to Christmas, I bet. With Thanksgiving long over with it can't be too far off now. I wonder what that'll be like...
I should try to make something for everyone. That'll keep me busy