Sep 25, 2008 09:50
-The mic comes on to a pup whining and scratching at the wall. There's a groan, not of pain but disgust-
Oh god! It''s...oh god.
-The sound of retching can be heard and the dire cub whining louder-
I can still taste it-them...whatever! I-it's disgusting! I...I need some mouthwash, and some iodine...and some floss. Lots and lots of floss.
Hey..Dreizehn, it's okay...shhh, we're okay now. I..I think... everyone else alright? I don't really...remember much...Oh this is so GROSS!
-a soft whining sound of his own-
It's in my TEETH!
werewolf liek to chew,
can-toi do not taste good,
feel sick,
can-toi=chew toy?,
toothpaste anyone?,
i need floss