H-hello? This is still a communicator, right? Looks a little different from my old one, but still cool. Weird...
[The boy pauses for a moment, his voice warm, if confused and still a little tired-sounding. He flips the video function on, peering at the screen with large blue eyes before glancing up and around.]
Can anyone here me? Anyone else out there? Did...new gods take over or something while I was asleep? I mean, I can see the sky again, and it's beautiful! Has...has the town shifted around again or something...I feel like I've been asleep for months...
[He yawns softly, and after a moment speaks once more.]
Can anyone help me find the eatery? I can't believe I've lost my own building but everything's just so different!
[OOC: All posts form here out are for the game
demeleier ♥]