Mar 12, 2009 13:34
-There's a soft sigh, sultry and alluring before the voice speaks up quietly-
Boy...where are you, boy? I can smell you here. Your spoiled, pampered scent is everywhere. Aah...but where is Master's scent, I wonder? I can't smell him at all! WHERE IS HE, BOY? WHERE IS THE MASTER?!
-abruptly calms down once more-
It had better not be all over you or I'll do more than simply leave you for death with the moon's kiss. Oh no, little Rapunzel. Not even he could save you.
-wicked chuckle-
No...I'm afraid I can't forgive you for stealing away the master's attention like you did. He was ours, mine. Never yours, brat! I wouldn't stand for being usurped by the likes of you.
Perhaps you should know what it feels like to have what you enjoy taken from
-Loud, abrupt ripping sound of fabric-
[[OOC: So yeah, Aaron's worst enemy would be the woman who transformed him into a werewolf and tried to kill him. As such....yeah. This is his view of her. Nuff said? WORK NOW BACK LATER]]
nebiros = master,
event: worst enemies,
status: affected,
dude looks like a lady,
voice post,
werewolf chick from hell