Feb 22, 2009 20:08
Babies, huh? That's... ridiculous. I mean, maybe for some of the older students, but some of the kids my age got some. What a strange assignment... I'm glad I didn't get one.
But I don't mind helping out now and again. I don't think I would be very good with the assignment, myself... but feeding and burping every now and again isn't too hard... it wasn't that bad to give Leon a hand while he waited for Botan...
[[Private to Spirit]]
U-um... I heard about what happened with that boy...
...Thank you, papa, for sticking up for me... but... I want to be able to stand up for myself someday.
I appreciate all of your help. Thank you so much.
((She's been extra quiet with the baby event, and was moping on Valentines day, but she's slowly coming back out of her shell again. Again, still mostly afraid of boys... but she seems to have made a few male friends that she can relax around. 8D))