(tiger print #5) (accidental video)

Oct 14, 2009 19:32

[Crash. The communicator is dropped on the floor and it flashes on, revealing a girl's bare feet. It's very still, very very quiet until finally another item drops to the floor, next to the feet, a stuffed sheep. Suddenly, a painful high pitched cry is heard and the girl's face appears because she curls herself up against her legs. You can only see her face for a brief second, but she's very pale, and her arms are shaking uncontrollably against the surface of her knees.]

It's not fair...I didn't want this to happen...



[A series of violent sobs come from Kisa's chest as she stands up and suddenly runs towards the window. She climbs towards the frame and stands...looking over the horizon, to the vast range of nothingness that had suddenly become her home. She doesn't move. Doesn't even look like she's breathing, but just stares while a couple of thick tears flows down to her cheeks. She's on the very edge of the window now and her expression is blank. Empty.]

(ooc: Comment logs are welcome. :3 )

dysfunctional family: gotta love it, crazy discedo event, omg sad tiems, haru-nii, need for strength

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