Aug 16, 2003 15:42
OMG I'm tired as hell. I always make the mistake of not taking a nap before my first day back. Instead of watching Freddy Vs. Jason last night, I guess I should have been in my bed watching my eyelids, but, oh well. I was good for the first half of my shift compliments of my kmx energy drink. After my break I was done. I started getting delirious and laughing for no reason, saying things that don't make any sense, and falling asleep standing up. I had LaShana and Carolyn entertained though. We'll get into that a little bit later though. I bought a whole bunch of cool pens at Staples and passed them out to the crew. I also bought a pack of gum for LaShana since she's always stealing mine. I even put a label on it "For: LaGumThief". LOL. They were all making a big deal about the fact that I bought them some stuff. One girl said I was a "sweetheart". I said "Shhhhhhhh! You mustn't let out my secret!" Orazio was being very friendly and looking and smelling mighty good I might add. He seemed to like my pigtails I had going on last night. He also thought it was a good thing that I got promoted (?) to the banks. I don't think it's such a good thing, but, whatever. Later on, he was sitting on a stool in our bank talking to me and Carolyn and I said "I'm tired. Can I lay down on the floor?". Orazio said he was tired too. Carolyn said "Well, then why don't you both lay down on the floor together" (smart ass). Orazio answered with "Well, that wouldn't make me go to sleep that would make me horny." Huh? I was totally blown away that he actually said that. LOL. What the fudge? Bob was back to his "too good for words" self. I'm starting to care a little less every day. I mean why should I really give a shit if he speaks to me or not? When he does speak to me does that really do anything for me? No! So, fuggit! He did come in the bank once to notify me that they had no more recs for part time and that I would now have to go back to full time. He also said I'd need to choose between the 4 ten hour shifts or the 5 eight hour shifts. I told him I wanted to do the four tens. At least I'd get three days off. But, I am not going back to full time unless I can either get Sun, Mon, Tues off or Mon, Tues, Wed. I need my Mon Tues off and it's not negotiable. So either they'll do it or I just won't work till they do have recs for part time. I could care less. I could take another break for a few months. So anyway, most of the night we talked about TV shows, homosexuality, our husbands, and our co-workers. I had Carolyn and LaShana laughing a few times. Nothing really exciting happened last night. Kesha and her trainee were all screwed up as usual with their money counted wrong and what not. As usual Kesha just laughed it off. I think she's one hair short of an afro. One balloon short of a party. You know, a little crazy and simple. But, at least she laughs. I think she's pretty funny. I flirted with Juan a couple times (just joking around) and noticed that someone was paying very close attention to everything we were saying to each other. At the end of the night I was so tired I made two mistakes which caused a shortage of $24,475 or some such. I had added up two $10,000 comchecks as $1,000 'cause my eyes were playing tricks on me. And I had put a clip of hundreds in a Supervisor drawer instead of ones when I was making their drawers up. Oops! It didn't matter because we found the mistakes but you see how one or two stupid mistakes could keep you there all freakin' morning. We still balanced before seven but if I was by myself....oh lordy! When I got home I got right in the bed, only to be awakened by James busting in and jumping on our bed. As I mentioned he has torn his door frame completely apart so now it doesn't close and lock all the way. He comes out whenever he damn well pleases now. So we let him lay with us for a while, but then he started jumping around, singing, and pulling my hair. I kicked him out real quick! I made Sidney get up and watch him while I slept. I'm just now getting up. Soon it'll be time for round two of the sleep fest.So Jim just left for work. He's going to a ham fest in the morning so I won't see him much tomorrow. LOL, he just mentioned to me that he saw my vibrator on the bed when he got home. He gets a little attitude whenever he finds out that I've played with my "green friend". How you can someone be jealous of a vibrator? It's not like I'm going to divorce him and marry said vibrator. LOL. I always say "Hey, when you're not around would you rather me replace you with a vibrator or a man that isn't you?" Did I just admit to using a vibrator? See, I am delirious.