Живущий на Украине
Джордж Эльясон проанализировал открытые источники и написал хронологию Майдана в поисках ответа: «Герой ли Беркут?» Видео зверств майданщиков подтверждает то, что беркутовцев подставили под озверевшую толпу, которая их калечила и убивала под речи с трибун. Поведение президента Януковича и его окружения, не отдавшего вовремя приказ разогнать майдан, привело к тому, что власть в стране захватила банда бандеровцев и её прислужники. Это же карательский, бандеровский подход - калечить и убивать служителей правопорядка, нарушать законы и сотрудничать с западными силами?
Западные страны, поддержавшие майдан, запачкались настолько, что уже и их граждане на английском пишут про эту низость.
Оригинал на английском, со ссылками на видео - на
www.opednews.com Перевод на русский, без ссылок -
http://vognebroda.net/george-eliason-nastoyashchie-geroi-ukrainy-hronologiya Вот части оригинального английского текста, при переводе которого в русском варианте исчезли нижеприведённые ссылки.
The officer in the video was killed when his head was smashed[1] with a stone.
The revolutionaries cried foul for as long as they could. The "Heavenly 100" were made that day. They were heroes that died for[2] a new Ukraine.
When Berkut police were captured during the day of the shootings, the Ultra Nationalists showed their hand and the hollowness of the countries that supported them. In one instance, a captured policeman armed only with a riot club was decapitated[3].
The supposedly heavily armed riot police could not even rescue a fallen comrade[4] as he was killed with a stone. The Berkut at this point were targeted with live ammunition[5] and had to retreat. A longer version of the footage shows that the felled officer was the second one killed within a few minutes' time. The first had been kicked unconscious by the protesters, before they lifted a stone up high and killed him with it.
After the Ultra Nationalists Won: the Victory Celebration
When you watch this footage[6], think about the fact that the entire new "moderate" government to which both the US and EU are giving billions of dollars is now passing almost directly into the hands of the extreme nationalist Dimitri Yarosh.
The new ministers and Yulia Tymoshenko watched as this Berkut (Riot Policeman) walked in[7] under his own power. Part of the footage is redundant, but necessary[8] to fully comprehend what is going on. I left out one set of video footage only. The picture below is from the clip that shows the man no longer even struggling. He has been beaten to the point of death with clubs and boots.
In the last few seconds of the video transcript, medics are discussing what to do with the brutalized man:
- Do we bring an ambulance?
- No, no ambulance. This Berkut is a prisoner? Not so fast. Ambulance? Ah! This is a Berkut? Captive! Let's carry him out on a stretcher (help him). It's a Berkut! No ambulance! Call the ambulance? No, No Ambulance. Throw him on the pile with the dead!
Ссылки же на следующие видео
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2VFmM00Pik8. = 7.
Перевод на русский, без ссылок -