A chat with Dong...

Nov 22, 2004 03:04

Here is a transcript of a conversation with my buddy Dong. I wish I had some more of it, but this is all I thought to save. The rest had some racist humor in it, but what can I say I'm a fan of racist humor just not racism. Enjoy....

God Since Birth: I fucking hate girls dude
God Since Birth: what the fuck
empiremovies76: No, you just hate the girls you meet.
God Since Birth: they go from being fickle when they're around 17 or 18
God Since Birth: to fucking fickle and crazy after they hit 20
empiremovies76: Well, stick with the 19 year olds.
empiremovies76: They have their heads straight.
God Since Birth: i'm thinking about just doing without again
empiremovies76: No good can come of that my friend.
empiremovies76: Life is meant to be lived. There is no living without the significant others of our respective lives.
empiremovies76: You don't learn anything being celibate, your life falls into entropy.
God Since Birth: lol
God Since Birth: cool
God Since Birth: that's all that life is anyway
empiremovies76: I will give you one bit of advice on obstaining from women.
empiremovies76: A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes.
empiremovies76: Think about that.
God Since Birth: so
God Since Birth: what
God Since Birth: lol
God Since Birth: i don't get it
empiremovies76: Well what does that tell you about life?
God Since Birth: fuck the ugly bitches?
God Since Birth: if that's you're advice
God Since Birth: i gotta tell ya
God Since Birth: it hasn't gotten me very far in life so far
empiremovies76: A pig has nothing, it's semi intelligent as far as animals go, but what could be less agile? Less active?
empiremovies76: What does a pig have to look forward to in life.
God Since Birth: the 30 minute orgasms
empiremovies76: It's life is pointless, so it has 30 minute orgasms? Do orgasms help procreation? Nope. Intelligent animals need pleasing orgasms to give them a meaning to have sex in the first place. The dumber the animal the less fulfilling the sex is. They just know enough to know they have to do it.
empiremovies76: Look at the most intelligent animals on earth, Dolphins, Simians, they have sex for pleasure, like us.
empiremovies76: When there is nothing left to look forward to in life, you have sex, that is the key my friend. Giving up on the women is pointless because it's invariably always going to come back to that point.
empiremovies76: And who says that, God says that, by giving fucking pigs 30 minute orgasms.
God Since Birth: i'm not saying that i'm giving up on women
God Since Birth: i'm not turning homo or anything
God Since Birth: i'm just sick of how girls get with me after i have sex with them
empiremovies76: Well you want to know the truth. Sex feels good and all, but the real thing you get out of sex, is the moment of clarity afterwards, the lucidity. Women however don't get that, so sex is different for them.
empiremovies76: Unless you truly have an emotional connection to a woman, or you want to have one, or you care about her, sex is nothing more than a release of chemicals in order to get your head straight. You have to share the experience man. The women go into it wanting to share. They already have their heads striaght, well in the sense that they don't need that lucidity.
God Since Birth: i get the same clear-headedness when i jerk off though
God Since Birth: and the truth be told
God Since Birth: i don't enjoy sex all that much
empiremovies76: Well, yeah.
empiremovies76: So jerk off.
God Since Birth: orgasms aren't all they're cracked up to be
God Since Birth: and i don't like having to clean that shit up
empiremovies76: Well that is because your cock is not meant for mortal women, it's meant for Kryptonian women.
empiremovies76: See, you need to jack off, before you meet the women, that is the key.
empiremovies76: Then you will be straight so you won't want to fuck them in the first place.
God Since Birth: i think maybe one sexual encounter per year would be good
empiremovies76: You have to become right minded enough to know whether or not you want to be serious with them or not.

I sound almost nice, don't I? Well, not really, I actually sound like sort of a dick, but believe me, Dong is much worse.
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