Social Ettiquette of Sanctum 2 on Steam
Don't charge the attack bosses.
Some bosses will attack players. Do not provoke these and cause a hole to be blown in the maze. Stand way back and always maintain a healthy distance outside of target range. When the boss blows a hole through the maze and your core gets swamped in 30 seconds, it promotes rage-quits.
Crunchy Grooves.
When you type out the audio sounds in the game chat, yeah, that was cool the first 20 times; but I've heard MacGyver, the A-Team, Tales from the Crypt and Veggie Tales- Give it a rest, no one wants to hear that all game.
The Host gets the last word.
The host is the boss. THEY opened the room, not you. Don't argue with them about maze layout. Don't argue with them about towers. Do not tell them what perks to pick. If the host wishes to abdicate, they may do so at their own discretion.
The Host is maze honcho.
The host decides how the maze flows. If you spawn into the game before they do, you give them the bases which was rightfully theirs. If you have a map where no one receives bases but the first player who spawned in, then bases still need to go to the host.
Your money.
Regardless of who is host, or who is appointed to maze; your money is your own. Do not ask other people for all their money so that you can create the maze of YOUR dreams. Understand, when you take away someones ability to contribute creatively, and you're only using them for their resources, that isn't fun. We have all beaten all the maps 100%. Don't be a build nazi. It's a game, have fun. Don't use it as a public channel for your OCD.
Your towers.
Don't delete other people's towers that they lay down; that is being a build nazi. Respect other people's (poor) decisions. Let THEM learn. If you're not having fun, host your own room! If you don't like people's whimsical creativity, play SOLO.
Your dispensers.
With mine and slowfield dispensers, responsibility of managing those assets goes strictly to the individual who made said tower. They may use slows or mines where they see fit. If you contribute cash to their dispenser tower, it does not entitle you to manage it. Please be dilligent and collect your mines each wave.
Advise, don't demand.
Do not demand anything resource or strategy-wise from other players. You may ask or recommend.
"Put a focus laser here."
"I think a focus laser would be awesome here. If someone has focus towers I will give you the money to build it."
Fields of view.
Be aware that while chasing that tank down to shoot that sensitive weakspot, you could be running right into another player's field of view who is also taking shots at the same enemy. Please stand to one side or a different angle to give others a chance to shoot it, and not the back of your player's head.
Friendship is magical... Sometimes.
Dropping a 4+ friendship lasers in a game -especially on 5feats of strength- is usually a big waste of towers. You only get 15 towers, don't spend 4 of those on friendship lasers. They enrage a lot of people, don't be "that guy..".
Don't leave during a wave.
Enemy health is increased depending on how many players the wave starts with. If you have 4 people in the room the looms may have twice the health. When a player leaves mid-wave, the enemy health is not reduced until the next wave begins. Try your best to bail before, or after the wave.
Spare some change.
If you notice someone needs 35 extra credits to move that aweful cannon or friendship tower to lvl2, be decent and cap the tower for them.
Watch that crossfire boys.
Rockets and exploding weapons- for gosh sakes watch out. Nothing is worse than getting bounced right into a huge pack of enemies, or off the map because of friendly explosive fire. If you are using the Rocket Launcher, please try to use alt fire when your firezone is around other players,
Share core perks.
This more accurately applies to 5 feats of strength maps, but please everyone -if it is critical- should grab one core perk apiece, so that someone isn't sheltering all that burdon themelves.
Shut the door.
It's annoying when you go into a game, and immediately when you spawn in you get kicked by the host. If you want to play by yourself, or with friends, then accurately select the correctly corresponding game type. It is a real hastle to generate an open-games list, then dive in, select perks and weapons, only then to get kicked and have to repeat it all over again.
Respect other players' rank.
Don't boss or assume duties because you are the only level50 playing with 3 other players who aren't even level20 yet. Understand that they're going to use cannons & rockets, and test out new things that they have recently unlocked. Let them have their fun. Let them be creative. Let them learn. Its your job to make sure you help them make their crazy maze work within what they were expecting.
Encourage Others.
If you see someone do an awesome or different layout, or was just the kiting king, tell them so! It makes for a much more cohesive team and you'll really enjoy it.