Aug 09, 2005 15:27
hi. it is a little pointless to try and catch up. so we can just start with today. first
happy birthday cordelia
and also liz and tomorrow erin and the day after that is margi's half birthday. august is just filled.
she is 19. thats really old. also, odd numbers are better than even. so she is really lucky.
cordelia's birthday always leads me to thinking about my birthday. which is in 4 months. so get your presents. i'm not self-centered at all.
margaret is leaving really soon. i am going to miss her crazily. we are going to buy lockets and put drops of blood in them and also we are going to become blood sisters. this is important since she will be many thousands of miles away. argentina is a long way away. i checked on my globe.
i made plans for the future today. no more art school, it's impractical. and as much as i want to i really cant ignore that side of me. so now we are thinking internation relations with a minor in peace keeping and conflict resolution. and then maybe be a diplomat. or just marry one.
i am reading huck finn. it is taking forever. due to the whole "one page at a time" thing. then i will tackle my ap bio. also i am dropping one of my art classes and taking sociology and ethics. it seems like a good idea.
okay babies. that's enough.