Title: Tea and Cake
timeywimeyballFandoms: Harry Potter, Firefly, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Excel Saga, Doctor Who, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, DC/Batman, Empowered, Portal, plus some others in the background.
Characters: Luna Lovegood, River Tam, Shinji, Rei, Hyatt, The Doctor, Kyon, Cassandra Cain, Ninjette, Chell
Rating: PG, if that.
Summary: Luna Lovegood has friends round for tea and cake.
Disclaimer: Nuh uh, don't own a jot of it.
A/N: I think there are quite a few canons who are, shall we say, left disheveled by my treatment of them here. Maybe they'll even say to themselves “Who was that mysterious masked author, and when shall I see said author again? Also, where's the nearest laundromat?”
“More tea?” Luna Lovegood- alumnus of Ravenclaw House of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, veteran of the Second British Wizarding War, and a prominent philospher in the field of magical zoologogy- said to the man she called Kyon.
“Thank you.” He replied, accepting the cup from the strange woman from England. The tea wasn't as good as he was used to, but Luna wasn't quite as bizarre as some of the women he knew, so he thought it balanced out in the end.
“The pot is happy and full and contented.” River Tam said as she held out her cup, surprisingly lucid for this time of the year. “Share the bounty with my cup!”
Kyon sipped at his tea more sedately than most of the others at the table, who each seemed to be trying to elicit favour by drinking more of the tea than anyone else at the table. Then again, perhaps they would act differently if they had drunk tea prepared by Mikuru, and would see this for the lacklustre effort it was.
Along with Luna and River, who were chatting animatedly with each other now, the table sat two others- two Americans, if Kyon was any judge of the accents. Of course, the one hadn't spoken much, but that had been more than made up for by the other, who was chattering away at Kyon, rather than to him.
“...and that's how I got out of that situation- a pair of handcuffs are always useful I tell ya, as well as fun. 'course, I'll always think of that time I walked in on Emp and-”
The chattering one was named...Kaburagi something. Kyon hadn't been paying attention, especially not to her skin barring outfit and the shorts cut to a length that should be illegal in most civilized countries.
It was when Luna was mid-explanation as to how she got a research post at the Nekomi Institute of Technology and Magic, which seemed to involve an unusual combination of a giant robot and a surly bookstore owner, when a loud crash came from a nearby room in the house.
The silent American- Cassandra Cain, if Kyon recalled correctly- was on her feet before the sound had time to die, which only gave credence to Kyon's theories as to who she really was. Not many quiet Americans in the world, and fewer still who could react that fast and have that family name.
Of course, he had studied the secret histories as soon as everything had calmed down with Haruhi, but who hadn't? It wasn't like he was a genius or anything.
“Oh, that's just the kids.” Luna said breezily, smiling at the primed Cassandra, who all of a sudden seemed to look more awkward than anything?
Seemed she wasn't good with kids then? Kyon would be worried too if he were in such a situation.
“Don't worry, they're good kids.” Luna said, her words punctuating by the sound of something smashing. “Well, usually...”
“Why...why are there kids here?”
“I promised Dean Ikari I'd look after them for the day. They're no bother, really.”
In the background, a child's voice could be heard proclaiming that they had something and wouldn't give it back. Another child's voice loudly protested this.
“Perhaps I should go see to them...” Luna said, getting up from her seat and headed out the room as the two children got louder and louder and Kyon couldn't help but wonder if Luna's behaviour wasn't a damning incitement against her method of schooling in magic.
Some of the greatest mages of this new world were self taught, or taught in something other than a high school format, in a one on one format- the likes of Stephen Strange most prominent among them, but also the likes of Takamachi and Harlaown couldn't be discounted either, even if they were of a different (and more aggressive) school of thought.
Just as the children were seeming to calm down an impatient knock came at the door, setting them off again, and sending River straight for the door, a general grin on her face that did not bode well for anyone in the room.
River re-entered the room at the same time as Luna, both of them leading several more people into the room, making the room suspiciously crowded, to Kyon's practiced eye. He tried to edge near the door, but was thwarted when someone spotted him.
“Ah! John Smith-!” Said the ever sickly Hyatt, who at least looked like she wasn't going to pass out any moment now.
“Mrm? This is the John Smith you mentioned, was it?” Asked the old man who had been keeping a worried eye on Hyatt until now.
“Oh, yes...you are both him!”
“Seems you are, hem hem, using the same name as he, mm? Well, young man?”
“It...would seem so?” Kyon said, desperately casting his eyes about for a way to escape from this awkward situation.
“You'll confuse me students, mm?” The old man said with a chuckle, gesturing to his two students- Hyatt, who had collapsed across the back of a chair, and Chell, who was easing herself into a chair carefully.
“Not if they call me by my actual name.”
“A name, hhm? What's that, young man?”
“Well, it's-”
“Oh, Professor! Do sit down- we have tea and cake!” Luna called as she sat the eight year old twins down and gave them a small cup each.
“Cake?” Asked Chell, looking around expectantly.
“Yes, it's delicious.” Luna said, saying in an aside, “Rei, stop poking your brother with the spoon.”
After a moment she added, “No, you can't poke Shinji with your cup, either.”