Aug 29, 2008 16:32
Jumping on the bandwagon, albeit belatedly.
Request any fic of mine and I will provide you with a commentary/annotations, like a DVD extra.
Also, I have a request of you guys. I'm not short on prompts to respond to, and I certainly do have a few plot bunnies churning around in my head at the moment, but I wanted a little audience participation, sort of. Would any of you particularly like to see a prompt response with the Seventh Doctor and your character? Like, sometimes I think about doing a prompt response with, say, Seven and Jo. But there's no one around slapping me upside the head and prodding me and encouraging me, which is apparently what I need, otherwise I get distracted by popcorn, and the shininess of other prompts. So, anyway, just throwing it out there. If there's even a certain situation you have in mind, you know, poke me. Please. My muse wants to be put to work. OR if you want to do an RP thread, even, say something. I'm not desperate, really. :P
the mun is unhinged,
audience participation