It would seem I have nothing pressing occupying my time, but I do enjoy a good conversation, if one should find me.
So, do feel free to engage me. Ask a question, tell me something, attempt to impress me with your sleight-of-hand.
And my mun evidently wants me to indulge her and direct you towards the new layout she implemented for
my blog. I
Read more... )
Anything but spoons, that is.
And New Orleans is a splendid idea. I'm sure I must have thought of that once and simply forgotten it. Is that where you'd like to go?
*grins cheekily*
I'd be a keen place t' see. But you know me, Professor. So long as it's not Perivale, I'm happy wherever we go.
Would I be wrong in assuming that the delightfulness of my company contents you as well? *grin*
The delightfulness of your company? Did you pop round to Victorian England when I wasn't looking?
*rolls eyes*
*smiles, more seriously*
There's no one in the 12 galaxies I'd rather spend time with.
Ace would die rather than admit it, but she rather likes the spoons. PS- I keep forgetting to ask- do you listen to the Big Finish Audios?
*soft smile*
Well, the feeling is mutual, Ace.
I've been listening to the Seven ones recently, have only heard two of them at the moment: Colditz and Dreamtime
Now are we going to stand around here admiring each other, or are we going t' go do something. Something involving food, preferably. I'm famished.
I love the BFA's. My Ace is shaped quite a bit by the events in them. Live 34 is one of my fav (I've written a post ep for that one) Harvert is brill, as it introduces Hex.
Ooh, I've read that post ep, it was great! And I do like Hex, too.
*grin* Thanks! Wait until you listen to Harvest. It's my all time fav 'Doctor meet companion' moment. Seven makes so much fun of Hex!
Hee! Seven! I look forward to it. :)
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