in conclusion...

Jan 20, 2007 02:18

just took a shower, so now i'm awake again. i suppose i'll finish up the exciting conclusion of my trip. hmmmm... where was i...

thursday: we wake up early again to meet up with the parents for breakfast. my mom, chris, ma and i decided the previous day to wear sport our Philippine shirts for that day so after getting dressed and getting lola dressed, we head up to the dining area and have breakfast. as we're eating breakfast we can tell that the ship is portin along the bahamas shore! after fininishing the delicious delicious breakfast we all got our stuff ready to explore the bahamas!

it's a windy windy day, but the temperature is perfect, and we all know how much i love the wind. =D so we walk along the dock type thing and you can see lil fishes in the water. we get someone to take a picture of all of us and the boat in the background and then we head onto the shore onto Nassau, Bahamas. Now, we had the whole day to spend in the Bahamas, but we had't planned on what we wanted to do there. Immediately as we walked on the shore, we were bombarded with Bahamians offering tours and taxi rides around the area. The first guy offers us a tour in a limo ride for... around 20 bucks a person. My parents think about it, but decide that we don't need a limo. Not really knowing what we wanted to do exactly, my parents accepted another guys offer of taking us around and to the Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island for 4 bucks a person in his van. it was a sweet deal actually! he was a really cool fellow. OMG!!!! and it was so weird! in his van, the steering wheel was on the right side! it was the craziest thing ever! lol. anyways, on our way to paradise island we drove through the towns and he showed us govermental buildings, hospitals and other historical buildings through out the town. oh, and he showed us the hospital anna nicole smiths son mysteriously died at. that was kinda interesting. it was funny, a lot of the building there are pink and all brightly colored. he said it was because pink was like the bahamas favorite color. their national bird is the flamingo. haha. but yeah, the tour was pretty interesting, we learned a lot of things and saw a lot of things we wouldn't have seen if we went exploring on our own.

But anyways, across the bridge and onto paradise island and hello atlantis! omgosh! that place was amazing! just amazing! so many random cool things there. you just have to look at the pictures for this one really. but the game plan was this, find the free aquariums and everyone look at those together. walk around alil. oldies head to the casino and chris, ma and i explored more, seeking a beach to relax on for alil.

Upon walkin around the resort we see a beach near by across a bridge area. We tried to walk across the bridge thing but apparently you needed to show your room keys to get by. that private beach was beautiful, but our tour guide guy informed us that there was a public beach we could go to, it was just quite a walk. we took it and found ourselves walking across the white sand along the blue water. too bad it was alil cloudy. alil sun would have been nice, but whatever, it was still amazing. i bought my brother and myself a beer, (drinking age 18 baby!) and we relaxed on the beach. shortly after, chris and i enter the water, ma didn't feel up to it much so she just sunbathed. the water was alil chilly, but was easy to get used to. those waves were brutal though! chris and i got flipped around quite a bit and man was i tired afterwards. anyways, we were there for a few hours and we decided we should probably be headed back to meet up with the oldies. Another part of the Atlantis resort was along the beach and connected to it. So we headed up there to look for showers we could use to rinse off the salt. we found those, along with a pool area and another aquarium in a cave thing. after getting washed up and dressed, we decided to walk through the pool area and make our way back to the casino. we didn't really know where we were going, just heading in the general direction toward where we needed to go. along the way we ran into this turtle beach with a bunch of huuugggeee turtles. it was so cool. i saw one at first and was like "damn! that's a huge turtle!!" and then I saw more and was like "holy crap! there's a bunch!" yeah, they were pretty sweet! alil more wandering and we found another pond, this time full of some sort of ray? they were cool too! i think chris and ma touched them, i don't know why i didn't though. i think i was taking pictures of other stuff. but anways, we continue walking and we find that we're walking through a water park. we see a few slides and a lazy river with cool waterfalls going around everywhere. i wanted to see the clear tube slide that actually goes THROUGH a shark tank aquarium, but no luck. we did find another waterfall area with more rays. they looked so graceful as the flew through the water. awwwww it was so cool! anyways, our lil detour was making us late for meeting up with our parents. we continue on and we find that we're on side near the private beach that we tried to get on earlier. unfortunately, lack of time cut our explorations from going further and we made our way back to the casino, disappointed that we couldnt go further, yet content in all that we saw already. after that, we found the oldies and made our way back to the town area.

in the town area the oldies were tired so they headed back to the ship. chris, ma and i wanted to check out the market place that our guide was telling us about. first we went to some food store and ate some... conch?... thing? it was some native food, kinda like calamari actually. it was really good! but yeah, after that, we made our way to the market area to get some sourveniurs (i know that's spelled wrong. i don't care. i'm getting tired. lol), but yeah, we all learned that we suck at bargaining. my parents do it excessively, and us kids just suck at it. haha, oh well. get these really cool photo albums, some shot glasses and a few other things and then we made our way back to the ship. met up with the parents again, got alil snack to eat and then i think we headed back to our cabin and settled down alil. then we headed back to the top of the ship and watch the sun set as we left the bahama shore. =( We head back to our cabin again to get ready for dinner and the sea sickness begins again. we take a few pictures in our cabin before we leave and then chris and i help ma up to the dining area. only my mom and lola come to dinner. my dad and his parents are feeling well again. everyone barely eats again and only chris and i are the ones that are able to stuff our faces. my mom starts to feel really sick so she decides to take off and takes lola with her. shortly after they leave, a conga line type things breaks out with guys balancing fire cakes on their heads to some funky music. all the workers make their way around the room dancing around. and just thanking all the guest for being there. twas a gay ol' time really. that was pretty cool. that was dinner and then chris helped ma to the cabin and i went to check on my dad. (he was on some couches on the upper deck again) chris meets me back up there and then we go wander to see whats going on around the ship again.

we watch another show with the sparkly crazy costumed dancing singing people mainly because there was nothing else to do. we were just waiting for the salsa dancing club thing that was supposed to be happening later in the evening. around when the time that was suppose to happen, the ship was calming down again so we went and got ma again. are parents were feeling better so they showed up too. when we got to the club place there we no guys there. lol. a family with some younger daughters, and a few older women all just dancing in circles. chris grabbed mary-ann and i grabbed my mom and we danced to a merengue song. i'm pretty sure all the ladies were impressed by chris's and i's mad dancing skills. haha. later we danced with the older women. i'll be honest, i didn't do to well. it was really weird, i had forgotten a lot of it and she was really hard to lead. that and because she was older i didn't want to pull and lead her too much and end up pushing her over. lol. yeah, but it was fun. later on in the night, chris and i approach the younger girls and ask them to dance, but they're too shy. "we don't kow how to dance like that" they replied, with a distinct england accent.... damn it was hot... lol. they offered us to sit next to them instead, which of course we accepted. so we just chatted with them, listened to them talk in their cool accents and found out that they were from London. how cool is that?! London! oh yeah, and they were both only 15, haha. whatever, they were just really cool to talk to and one of them was half filipina and the other one was a good friend of hers and her family. the filipina was named chessica and her friend was goldilocks. at least thats what everyone called her. i forgot her real name. but yeah, damn their accents were awesome. it was hilarious, chris asked them what time it was like 3 times just to hear them say it! hahaha! omg it was awesome. oh yeah! and did you know we have american accents?! they were making fun of how i talked and they tried to immitate me. and i tried to imitate them. haha, it was great. anyways, after they were more confortable with us, we asked them to dance again. they were still reluctant, but we got them to try. haha. we taught them salsa basic, cross body, underarm turn and peekaboo. haha. and then they taught us this weird dance move that was pretty cool. it wasn't salsa related or anything, just a cool dance thing. haha. yeah, that was a fun night. the girls had to go, music ended and we headed back to the cabin. sleep!

Friday: this was the travel day. nothing really exciting. my dad figured we could try the early friday flight back home, we just have to be quick to getting off the ship. so we wake up early for breakfast and get all our bags together. after eating, we wait to port back in florida. well tell some of our fellow filipinos there about our early flight and the let us be the first few off the ship first. =( bye bye Regal Empress! jump in a taxi, two flights, and in mondos jeep and we're home. =D

damn that was long again! hope you enjoyed it. next time you have to come with me! =P
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