Apr 08, 2005 16:41
"I love you very much! If i loved you anymore i would grow a penis!"- Christie
"I'd love you even if BOTH your cheeks were swollen!"- Kenny
"Yeah, I love you even if you look like a chipmunk!"- Christina
"I'll beat the ass of anyone who ever hurts you!"- Larisa
[I love my friends, plz]
"I took a bite and- Son of a bitch!"- Nic's awesome book 'Nothing's Sacred'
"Ewh the tree cummed on me!"- My dad
"You got the penis in the hole!"- Alex
"What did that have to do with penis?"- Nic
"Damn government!"- Kord
"May The Doors be with you."- Cam [rather than "May the force be with you"]
"You are the wierdest person I've ever met. In a cool way."- Cam
"I dun need you and your... *westside sign* SIXTIES PAHHH-ROOOSE!"- Matthew G. [if you know Matt then it's funny... him + westside sign= LOTR lover WHITE WHITE WHITE boy saying prose pahhh-roooose!]
"oh abused person..."- Hopper
"4 chicken vaginas please..."- Jack
"Anyways, back to sex... wait, no..."- Me
"My dad got this tennis racket thing that makes mosquitos explode!"- Mariah
"If someone held a gun to my head and said 'YOU HAVE TO DO A DRUG' I'd do LSD"- Matthew
"I like cock more."- André
"You'd have to spell it... ipple"- Christina
"Satan is in you triple... NO, FOURIPLE!"- Me [fouriple?!]
HAHA! I LOVE MY FRIENDS! I just realized how amazing we all are. We recite Monty Python, go around singing Rocky Horror songs, talk about sex ALOT, love classic rock music [most of us, at least]... I love it.
Anyways. Life is cool. Lunch was great. We talked about sex and orgies and sexual organs and Jack climbing up a palm tree [random, yes?]. It was great and I think the last time I laughed that much at lunch was the whole Jack + my hershey's wrapper + green tea = everyone's stuff/Jack's pants/ Christina's mouth? being soaked. HAHA.
Nic= Sunday?
Alex= Sunday?
Okay, so, YAY. I am making my shirt for the Greenday concert tomorrow or tonight or something. I dunno what to put on it. I'll probably write "sometimes I give myself the creeps" or something on the back, but... you guys give me ideas, okay? cool? cool. Think Jack would run off and buy a whore in spite if I wrote "I LOVE BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG" somewhere on my shirt? I mean, obviously I love Jack more... he should know that.
Extraordinary is a great great word. I dunno why I think so but I doooo... and Charles just called! Hi Charles! lol. I am happy and hyper feeling, tee-hee. I am going to go to this thing at Charles's church! I love you all very much! And Jack will never read this because uhm... I dunno but I love him with all my heart!
Fab. *Eight*