The following is my reply comment to an entry that Brian (
randomdropsy) recently made in his journal. In italics and quotation marks are quotes from his entry. I have responded beneath each numbered quote. LiveJournal is not my preferred forum to discuss a matter such as this, but unfortunately Brian has already made that choice by posting about it in his journal. I'm reposting my reply comment in my journal to stop gossip before it starts.
You had to drag this onto LiveJournal, didn't you? Well, since it's already here, I may as well clear up the misconceptions one by one.
1. "Yes, David was hitting on Shelly's friend,"
I was dancing with Shelley's friend. There's a difference.
2. "Shelly's friend didn't like him and got Shelly to rescue her,"
Shelley's friend didn't hesitate to dance with me, and from what I observed, she was having fun. She was with me until the incident occurred, not with you, Brian. I think I would have noticed if she was talking shit about me, considering that she was holding my hand the whole time. She never "got Shelley to rescue her," she was too busy having a good time.
3. "Shelly said back off"
Actually, Shelley came between us and literally pushed me away from her friend and refused to move so that we could continue dancing. That's not the first time she's tried to come between me and another female. I'm sick of it.
4. "and David spilled his drink on her on purpose."
I asked her to move, and she wouldn't. Splash.
5. "He says she deserved it, I felt otherwise."
And you just have to be involved, don't you, Brian?
6. "So I spit in one of his other drinks he had, and flicked a booger in it."
It's one thing to splash a cold drink on someone that just shoved me away from the person I was dancing with, it's another thing for you to knowingly cause me to ingest your bodily fluids without my knowledge or consent. That's just disgusting.
7. "Don't FUCK with my friends, even if you are my friend yourself."
Don't get involved in something that you know nothing about, especially if it doesn't concern you.
8. "David really pissed me off with that. He was childish and immature, and I know I went down to his level when I did what I did, but I'm not ashamed to do that sort of thing."
Now that's surprising.
9. "If I feel what I do is justified there is no level to which I won't drop. I know that makes me an asshole but I can live with that. I'll admit it, I am a fucking asshole. Don't get on my fucking bad side or I will cut a bitch!"
So what you're saying is, if you'd been in my position, you would have done the same thing, or worse? That's what I thought.
10. "I think David really needs help. The fact that he goes out drinking like this every week, sometimes more than once a week is extremly unhealthy. Not just on his body but on his mind do, cause he does shit like this to his friends, people that care about him. It really fucking makes me upset. grr."
I'm touched that you care so much, Brian. Since you put so much effort into posting this on LiveJournal, I should really take your advice seriously.
What you did was gross, and it was done because you were ignorant of the facts, but I'll leave it at that. I value your friendship, and I value Shelley's friendship. If I didn't, I wouldn't have replied. It's important for you to know how I feel about it. With that said, let me wrap this up by saying that I'm not mad at anyone. Let's just put this all behind us and move on.